LaTeX thesis templates to help you navigate an important step in your career. These thesis templates, many provided by universities as official layout guidelines, include sections to add author information, along with placeholder chapters for your introduction, background, method, results, conclusion / discussion, references, and appendices.

Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü LaTeX formatı tez yazım şablonudur.

Modello aggiornato secondo le ultime direttive per la stesura del documento di tesi di laurea

Plantilla en LaTeX acorde con la “Guía del alumno Trabajo Fin de Grado del Grado de Ingeniería y Sistemas de Datos (actualizado octubre 2023)”. Este documento constituye una guía (que sirve a su vez de plantilla) para la elaboración de informes de TFG o TFM en LATEX. No pretende abarcar todas y cada una de las funcionalidades que ofrece LATEX (¡las posibilidades son prácticamente infinitas!) pero sí tratar los aspectos fundamentales para la elaboración de un documento utilizando esta indispensable herramienta. Esta plantilla es una ligera modificación de la “Plantilla en LaTeX acorde con la Normativa para la elaboración de informes de TFT de la ETSII (UPM)” que es un trabajo original de Javier Soto Pérez-Olivares. Javier es el verdadero responsable de la gran cantidad de trabajo que hay detrás de esta guía/plantilla.

This LaTeX template provides a generic framework for creating academic documents such as research papers, technical reports, or project documentation. It includes features commonly used in academic writing, such as a title page with customizable fields for institution name, course details, topic, team members, and date. The template also includes sections for an introduction, tables, figures, and references, demonstrating proper formatting and usage of these elements. With adjustable margins and customizable styles, this template offers flexibility to suit various document requirements. It is suitable for use in a wide range of academic disciplines and can be easily adapted to specific formatting guidelines or journal requirements. This template is ideal for students, researchers, or professionals seeking a starting point for their academic writing projects.

This is the undergraduate thesis manuscript LaTeX template of the Department of Electronics Engineering of the University of Santo Tomas.

A template for progress reports of research projects at ULB

Template ini ditunjukan kepada mahasiswa departemen matematika ITS dalam mengerjakan proposal tesis.

IIUI Thesis Template By Kainat Naeem
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