템플릿 — Stanford University
템플릿 tagged Stanford University
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Stanford University undergraduate honors thesis style — modifications to the report style. This is unofficial and created originally for theses in the Civil & Environmental Engineering department. Modified from the 'suthesis-2e' PhD thesis style document for Stanford University PhD dissertations by Joseph Pallas and modified by Emma Pease.
Marianne Cowherd, Emma Pease, Joseph Pallas
Stanford ME310 Fall Report Template
ME310 Report Template -- Started 28 July 2006 Mark Cutkosky
24Nov2016: Changes in ordering and content to go with the revised
schedule for ME310A in 2016-17
Stanford University PhD Thesis Template (suthesis-2e.sty)
Stanford University PhD thesis style (suthesis-2e.sty) LaTeX template. This is unofficial so you should always double check against the Registrar's office rules; see http://library.stanford.edu/research/bibliography-management/latex-and-bibtex
This template contains an example of use to help you get started, and further documentation can be found within the suthesis-2e.sty file.
Emma Pease (Original by Joseph Pallas)
SEP report - Template
This a template for writing reports in the style of the Stanford Exploration Project (SEP) report.
Fantine Huot