This LaTeX template for PhD dissertation is based on the Seoul National University Thesis Class (snuthesis) created a long time ago by zeta706, with some major modifications, some of which are specific to the Convection and Urban Meteorology (CUM) Group in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences.
This is an update to the original submission. (v1.1)
v1.2: margin setup adjusted to take into account printing, chapter headings are now more consistent, new instructions on bibliography
LaTeX template for Electrical Engineering Bachelor Thesis at Sharif.
This template is built upon the Sharif PhD thesis template by Prof. Sharifi Tabar which can be found in I have made extensive modification to Prof. Sharifi Tabar's template and it seems that it now fulfills the conditions of EE department for bachelor theses.
For more information, please visit
The document class provides both Arabic and english support for TEX/LATEX . Input may be in ASCII transliteration or other encodings (including UTF-8) and output may be Arabic, Hebrew, or any of several languages that use the Arabic script as can be specify by polyglossia package. The Arabic font is presently available in any Arabic fonts style. In order to use Amiri font style, user need to install Amiri package form ( This document class run with XeTex engine. PDF files generated using this class may be searched, and text may be copied from them and pasted elsewhere.
This document aims to help any Chemical Engineer students in his entire career to fully ensure and follow the guidelines of the department (UCR, 2021).
This document includes the majority of the requirements for a Thesis Dissertation based on the Chemical Engineer Department Criteria at the University of Costa Rica (UCR, 2021).
Suomenkielinen LaTeX-pohja Luk- ja Pro gradu -tutkielmille Turun yliopiston Matematiikan ja tilastotieteen laitoksella.
Template for BSc and MSc thesis of Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Turku Finland.
This template is in Finnish.