This template is based on the official thesis formatting guidelines of North China Electric Power University (NCEPU). The official guidelines can be found at:
Follows NCEPU's official thesis formatting requirements
Includes detailed comments and instructions
Provides examples for tables, figures, equations, and references
Compatible with both Chinese and English content
Dies ist eine inoffizielle LaTeX Vorlage für Abschlussarbeiten an der HTWK Leipzig.
This is an unofficial LaTeX Template for german theses at the HTWK Leipzig (University of Applied Sciences Leipzig).
Dies ist eine inoffizielle LaTeX Vorlage für Belegarbeiten und Berichte an der HTWK Leipzig.
This is an unofficial LaTeX Template for german term papers at the HTWK Leipzig (University of Applied Sciences Leipzig).
A template for theses, dissertations, and capstone projects at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics (Instituto de Matemática e Estatística) - University of São Paulo.
License: MIT (code) and CC-BY 4.0 (text)
Este template é um personalização para a universidade UDESC com base nos arquivos do grupo abnTeX2.
Este modelo está em constante desenvolvimento e sua utilização é de inteira responsabilidade do usuário.