LaTeX templates and examples — Handout

This is a LaTeX template for class homework assignments. It demonstrates numbered questions with multiple parts and creating lines for students to use when writing their answers. This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in October 2019.

In this note, we will show how transformations can be used to obtain a radically simple derivation of the equation of the line of best fit. Our approach also gives a simple geometric interpretation of the Pearson correlation coefficient.

Grocery List Version 1.0 (10/22/2016)

This template contains all information I would personally log after a dive. Feel free to use and /or modify it to create your own custom dive log book. If you are not familiar with LaTeX and would like to make minor changes, drop me a comment on my blog at

Esse material tem como ênfase focar na explicação das diferenças e exemplos da programação assíncrona e síncrona nos tempos atuais. Com o grande avanço na programação, algoritmos foram criados para realizar um uso concorrente sem precisar recorrer as múltiplas threadings, usando o event loops no lugar e com a simplicidade do python com sua sintaxe fácil.

El sistema axiomático de los números reales. Los números reales forman un conjunto denotado por ℝ, provisto de dos operaciones: la adición (+), la multiplicación (⋅) y una relación de orden (<) “menor que” que verifica los siguientes tres grupos de propiedades básicas (axiomas).

Pautas de trabajo para comienzo de ciclo lectivo. Secundario.

Excerpt from main dissertation

Excerpt from main dissertation
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