LaTeX templates and examples — Theses
LaTeX thesis templates to help you navigate an important step in your career. These thesis templates, many provided by universities as official layout guidelines, include sections to add author information, along with placeholder chapters for your introduction, background, method, results, conclusion / discussion, references, and appendices.

Modelo UNISINOS para teses e dissertacoes baseado no abtex2-modelo-trabalho-academico.tex, v-1.9.5 Copyright 2012-2015. Modelo de Trabalho Acadêmico (tese de doutorado, dissertação de mestrado e trabalhos monográficos em geral) em conformidade com ABNT NBR 14724: Informação e documentação - Trabalhos acadêmicos - Apresentação.

Clean, Simple, Elegant Clean Thesis is a LaTeX style for thesis documents, developed for my diploma thesis (Diplomarbeit). The style can be understood as my personal compromise — a typical clean looking scientific document combined and polished with minor beautifications. The design of this Clean Thesis style is inspired by user guide documents from Apple Inc. Note: If you are looking for an exact and correct style regarding typographic rules, please have a look at the "Classic Thesis Style". Donation = Postcard Based on the idea of André Miede: If you like the Clean Thesis style I would be very pleased about a donation in the form of a POSTCARD. You can find my address at the *Clean Thesis* website as well as in the documentation. I am going to collect all postcards and exhibit them at the website I mentioned. Idea and Inspiration The idea of providing my customized style for thesis documents passed through my mind while writing my own thesis. Motivated and inspired by the superb Classic Thesis Style by André Miede (thanks to André for doing a great job) I decided to collect all design and style related functionality in a separate LaTeX style and provide this style to other thesis writers. Copyright 2015 R. Langner

McMaster Masters/Doctoral Thesis LaTeX Template Version 2.2 (11/23/15) This template has been downloaded from: Then subsequently from Overleaf Version 2.0 major modifications by: Vel ( Original authors: Steven Gunn and Sunil Patel Modified to McMaster format by Benjamin Furman License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

Customizable template (pdfLaTeX version) for typesetting theses in English. This template is based on the unofficial diploma thesis template designed for the graduate students of the Department of Computer Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of Peloponnese, Greece. See "main.tex" for instructions and customization options. (Last update: Feb. 19, 2018 ). ( Note that basic-plan Overleaf users may encounter "compile timeout" errors while trying to compile this template online.)

ESOGÜ FBE tez yazım kılavuzuna uygun tez şablonu. Eskişehir Osmangazi University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences thesis template

Introduction to quantum mechanical effects and an implementation example of quantum key distribution

Modelo de dissertações e teses para a Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP).

This is a simplified version of the template I used to write my MSc thesis ( It is partially inspired by (and a bit of the structure and the older code were adapted from) Martin Helsø's UiO Mathematics Master's Thesis template. The name "Tengwar Thesis" is simply because I find Garamond somewhat similar to Tolkien's tengwar alphabet, and decided to go for the joke. The template is configured mainly for Brazilian students who want to write their thesis in English, and hence expects some input in Portuguese and some in English. This version, however, also gives the user the option to turn off the Portuguese text and keep a thesis entirely in English (as long as you don't fill in the Portuguese code). Quite notably, this version differs from my thesis by the choice of "Garamond flavor", so to speak. My thesis used Duffner's EB Garamond, while this version is a bit simpler and uses the package ebgaramond (although the actual code is currently configured to be compiled with LuaTeX). If you liked the long stylish Q, you'll need to download Duffner's EB Garamond from his website and use it directly with LuaTeX. This TeX.SE post gives an example of how to do it:

Welcome to the UNOFFICIAL thesis template designed for science and engineering undergraduate students at Tongji University. This template has been created to assist students in organizing and formatting their theses in an efficient and professional manner. It is important to note that this template is not an official university document and is not endorsed by Tongji University. However, we have put in our best efforts to ensure that it complies with the university's formatting guidelines to the best of our knowledge. We have also made this template available on our corresponding GitHub repository at We would appreciate it if you could give us a follow and star on the repository to show your support for our work. Thank you for considering our template, and we hope it will be useful in your academic journey.
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