LaTeX templates and examples — XeLaTeX

A free LGU report template to get start your report much easier.

This template follows the guidelines for abstract submission to the Manchester Phonology Meeting (MfM): 1 page maximum, A4 paper, 2.5cm margins, single spacing, minimum 12pt font size, normal character spacing, optional full bibliography, IPA support.

Inspired by several templates and typography books (see template for more). More whitespace than your typical resume, but nicer too. Enjoy!

Thesis template, Astrotheory group, Department of Physics, University of Patras

The non-template for academic CVs in LaTeX. Extremely simple to use and modify by relying on 2 commands and your LaTeX skills only.

在前人提供的清华大学Beamer模板的基础上加入了支持中文的功能. 使用xelatex可以成功编译.

A simple dark beamer theme using the Nord color theme. Repository: CTAN:

An example demonstrates how to write Cantonese characters in document with XeLaTeX on Overleaf.

TWSIAM 2020 海報論文展 LaTeX 模板
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.