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% The title of your work:
\title{A~method\\ for retroisotonal blabalysis\\ of~a~parallel
stream of volatile aromas in~the~semi-quasi-space}
% If the title is too long for the running head, please provide a
% shorter version here:
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\titlerunning{Retroisotonal blabalysis of volatile aromas}
% The version of title which will be used in the back matter. This
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% title:
\titlebackmatter{A~method for retroisotonal blabalysis of~a~parallel
stream of volatile aromas in the semi-quasi-space}
% If all authors have the same affiliation do not use the \inst
% command:
\author{Filigran Fifak\inst{1}
\and Gizbert Gryzogrzechotalski\inst{2}
\and Jeffrey Johansen\inst{2}
\and David~Drake\inst{1}
\and Craig Cadr\inst{3}
\and Kim~K.~Kominsky\inst{4}
\and Zachary~Zweistein\inst{1,3}
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\authorrunning{Filigran Fifak et al.}
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Fid\^o F\'o\`oish University of Fafia
Institute of Computer Science PAS
Princeton University
Warsaw University of Technology
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Filigran Fifak
\institution{Institute of Blabal Fetoria\\Fid\^o F\'o\`oish University of Fafia\\
NW12 Fafia 92311, Fifa}
Gizbert Gryzogrzechotalski
\institution{Institute of Computer Science\\Polish Academy of
Jana Kazimierza 5,\\ 01-248 Warszawa,
Jeffrey Johansen
\institution{Institute of Computer Science\\Polish Academy of
Jana Kazimierza 5,\\ 01-248 Warszawa,
David Drake
% \email{drake@ffuf.edu.ff}
\institution{Institute of Blabal Fetoria\\Fid\^o F\'o\`oish University of Fafia\\
NW12 Fafia 92311, Fifa}
Craig Cadr
% \email{@}
\institution{Faculty of Blabalytics\\Princeton University, Princeton, USA}
\institution{Warsaw University of Technology\\ Plac Politechniki 1,\\Warszawa, Poland}
Zachary Zweistein
\institution{Institute of Blabal Fetoria\\Fid\^o F\'o\`oish University of Fafia\\
Fafia, Fifa;\\
Princeton University, Princeton, USA}
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\keywords{blabalysis, volatile~aromas}
\maketitle % typesets the title
The abstract should summarise the contents of the paper in at least
70 and at most 150 words. The present paper has no scientific
relevance and should be used as a practical example of text
formatting for the Journal of Language Modelling.
\section{Unicode input files\\ in the 21 century}
This is an example article for JLM. You can use arbitrary Unicode
characters in your file, provided they are present in the font:
αβγδρπ, «Какво е това?», naïve, crème brûlée, ˌpʃɛpjurˈkɔfskʲi,
‣→⅓←⅔⇒⅖, \textsf{αβγδρπ, «Какво е това?», \textit{naïve}, \textbf{crème \textit{brûlée}}}.
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\texttt{e--f g–h ``a'' “b” "b" `c' ‘d’}.
\section{Important remarks\\ on the usage of references}
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20–22]{blarbarucki:blabalyser}, which can be achieved automatically
using Bib\TeX\ and the bibliographical style \texttt{jlm} used in this
example \citep{blarbarucki:blabalyser,fifak:aspects,fifak:blabal}.
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\caption{Values of some aspects}
house &
\multicolumn1c{ʘ} & α\textsubscript{Cent} & \emph{M₃₁} & $\approx$
& \rlap{−}×
& \multicolumn1{c}{ᴥ} \\
1 & 0.43 & 102 & 12.4 & 4 & 2 & 1asp \\
3 & 0.45 & 412 & 32.6 & 14 & 7 & 4kid \\
7 & 0.16 & 111 & 92.1 & 3 & 9 & 2mer\\
12 & 0.49 & 224 & 25.5 & 1 & 1 & 4asp\\
Elements like Section \ref{sec:illustrations}, Figure~\ref{fig:ex},
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For math you can use all constructs provided by the \texttt{amsmath}
package, e.g.:
a & = c + d , \\
e & = f - d , \label{eq:ex}\\
g & = \sum_{\substack{
0\le i\le m\\
P_\infty(i,j)\times\mathbf{\Delta} , \notag\\
h &= (\alpha-\beta)\cdot\biggl[\sum_i a_i\Bigl\lvert\sum_j
x_{ij}\Bigr\rvert^p\biggr]^{1/p} .
\section{The reviewing process}
The journal uses a double-blind reviewing process. Your article
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final version should contain a complete list of authors and their
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