LaTeX templates and examples — Beamer

Original: \(\mathrm{\LaTeX}\): More Than Just Academic Papers and Journals Copyright Lim Lian Tze 2011-2018 Translation to Hungarian and extension by Erika Griechisch 2018 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. As this is quite a large project with many files and packages, users on the Free plan may not be able to compile it successfully on Overleaf. If that's the case, feel free to grab the PDF here, and download the sources as a .zip for offline perusal/compilation!

From Abstracted and templated by Brian Ballsun-Stanton, Macquarie University. Original template by by Anselm Köhler

The unofficial University of Udine Beaer Template. This style has been developed following the "Manuale di Stile" (Style Manual) of the University of Udine.

Un modèle de présentation sur le thème graphique de l'Université de Lorraine; à adapter selon les besoins.

modelo de apresentação latex para o IFC INSTITUTO FEDERAL CATARINENSE This theme is a modification of the Gelugor beamer theme by LianTze Lim.

Beamer presentation with bibunits features, and header formatting alternatives.

Metropolis theme with video and overlays features.

قالب دفاع

With the start of the new academic year in 2014, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands, introduced a new corporate style. They provide official Powerpoint and Keynote themes, but have not, and will not, provide a LaTeX Beamer theme. Currently the corporate style, and the second-tier styles for Software Science, Data Science, Kaski, PTRS, IMR, SteR, CLS, CLST, DS, IS, MBSD, iCIS and HCLS are implemented. Initial support for group logos: lama. New support for the 2017 style in 16:9 format. Feel free to use this theme, I tried to adhere to the provided guidelines as well as I could, but in case there are any problems, suggestions, or comments, let me know at or visit the github repository on You can distribute and edit the files as you wish, but I'd love to hear of any changes. Also, if you let me know that you are using the template, I can keep you up-to-date on future changes.
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