
Example using the exam class and datatool to process CSV data.

واجهة كتاب - العربية - بوليجلوسيا - زيلاتخ - الخط الأميري page de garde - titlepage - arabe - polyglossia - xelatex - Amiri font

Xelatex, Polyglossia, Amiri, Série, Exercices (A maths exercise sheet in Arabic)

A template to produce a nice-looking Curriculum Vitae. Most recent version is at (This template has been modified to use fonts available on Overleaf.)

This short example shows how to use fonts available on Overleaf to write Hebrew; the list of available fonts are here. For more examples on using the polyglossia and babel packages to typeset Hebrew (and other languages), have a look at this and this help page.

改自Deedy CV的中文简历,可附头像。

Certificat de Remerciment Tikz, Font Arabe, Image Transparente

Utilisation de package " pgfornament " Pour former des phrases .

اسلاید فارسی با کلاس bidipresentation
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