LaTeX templates and examples — Humanities

This file provides two minimal examples of typesetting parallel texts with reledmac plus reledpar. The first minimal example is parallel typesetting in columns, the second one is parallel typesetting in pages.

This template allows you to create your own field-work report or a linguistics paper of any kind.

Please use this template for submissions to the journal Linguistics: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences"

Uses a slightly modified version of the mla13 style in order to minimize effort on the user's part and remove noise from the LaTeX document while being consistent. This extended template include a title page, a table of contents, an abstract page (After table of contents), and a works cited page which is updated based on a bibliography. This style should be suited for anyone who needs to use MLA styling on a research paper or a similar assignment.

Chicago-style formatting for Theses and Dissertations based on Kate L. Turabian's "A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers," 9th edition. More information:

Template for a term paper or bachelor's thesis in Linguistics or Language studies at the University of Bergen. (Update)

Plantilla en formato MLA con contenido conforme a la estructura IMRaD.

A template to help you learn how to write a Humanities seminar paper in 10 minutes. Well, learn the \(LaTeX\) part, at least ;) Just read the text in the output and the source code in parallel to learn how it's done.

The third version of the unofficial thesis template for Boğaziçi University social sciences institute. The template is primarily designed for linguistics students with specific needs of cross-referencing linguistic examples and drawing complex representations. This version uses biblatex for citations and references. I also added a section that hosts some examples of citations with explanations.
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