LaTeX templates and examples — Exam

The AcroTeX bundle (LPPL 1.2) contains: the web package to redefine page layout to web-friendly dimensions; the exerquiz package for defining on-line exercises and quizzes of various sorts; the eForms package for support of PDF forms; the insdljs package for inserting document-level JavaScript in LaTeX documents; the dljslib library of JavaScript functions for use with exerquiz; and the eq2db package for converting an exerquiz quiz for processing by a ASP server-side script. Note that not all features are supported on Overleaf's preview panel for now; similarly, not all features are supported on all PDF viewers. For best effect, download a copy of the the output PDF, and use Adobe Reader or Acrobat Distiller to open it.

Simple QCM template

Exam Template of the Chair of Technical Information Systems

This is a final exam template (version one) designed for Zhejiang Gongshang University. Use it for the design of your own final examination paper. For any question, please contact

Modelo de Avaliação em LaTeX desenvolvido para o IFPR, campus Paranavaí.

Template to prepare Exam Papers at the University of Nottingham, UK. Examples are thought for the School of Computer Science. However, the template is the same also for other Schools and Faculties.

Template de Avaliação para Ensino Superior, Ensino Médio ou Fundamental. O Template vem configurado para Ensino Superior, mas caso se trate de Ensino Fundamental ou médio, basta comentar a linha referente ao Campus(linha indicada no arquivo "InfGerais") e automaticamente o template se adapta, alterando as informações de cabeçalho. A logo da instituição também pode ser alterada facilmente no arquivo "InfGerais". São disponibilizados dois modelos de avaliação: o primeiro sem plano de fundo e o segundo configurado com plano de fundo.

The template for creating exam questions, following Khalifa University style.

A sample of some problem types and LaTeX commands that may be useful in a math exam. Uses the exam document class.
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