Community articles — Portuguese (Brazilian)

A teaching plan

Criado para alunos da Faculdade Multivix.

The use of technological resources in education has lead to positive changes in the elaboration of new methodologies, in this context technologies such as the Digital Interactive Whiteboard (DIW) can act by facilitating Learning. The mere presence of the DIW does not guarantee benefits for the student's learning process, that raises doubts about whether or not the resources available are used in a satisfactory manner. In this research it was possible to verify that there are few tools available for the DIW context, and many of them have problems of usability and content quality. Thus, a form of facilitate the content elaboration for the DIW is the use of Authoring Tools (ATs). In order to verify whether or not the use of ATs promotes better use of the DIW, an AT (entitled AtauDIW) was developed to assist the use of DIWs.

Excerpt from main dissertation

HTML Cheat Sheet Edited by Michelle Cristina de Sousa Baltazar baposter Landscape Poster This template has been downloaded from:

Trabalho de Física Experimental II

Lista de exercício com gabarito

This article presents the activities carried out in the compulsory stage for the completion of the Technical Course in Integrated Computing IFRS - Campus Ibirubá . These are focused on software development area, with a brief involvement in the hardware area.

O objetivo do experimento foi entender o princípio de funcionamento de um voltímetro, amperímetro, gerador de funções e osciloscópio digital, familiarizar-se com os principais controladores e ajustes dos instrumentos de bancada, e efetuar medições diversas, que serão utilizadas durante o semestre letivo.
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