% --------------------------
% This template is based and basically an adaptation of UPM_thesis_template_en template:
% https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/upm-thesis-template-en/nzjnspqsxfmm
% All credits for the template to the author: MAría Blanco (UPM)
% --------------------------
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% Document class
% --------------------------
A4paper, % paper size A4
twoside, % onesite or twoside printing
openright, % doublepage cleaning ends up right side
chapterprefix=true, % prefix for chapter marks
12pt, % font size
headings=normal, % size of headings
titlepage=on % own page for each title page
% **************************************************
% THESIS details
% **************************************************
\newcommand{\University}{\protect{Universidad Polit\'ecnica de Madrid}}
% **************************************************
% Settings
% **************************************************
% **************************************************
% Begin document
% **************************************************
% --------------------------
% Cover and front matter
% --------------------------
\pagestyle{empty} % no header nor footer
\pagenumbering{roman} % roman page numbering
\pagestyle{plain} % empty header, just page number in footer
\input{frontmatter/4_acknowledgement_and_funding} % dedication & cknowledgement (optional)
\input{frontmatter/5_abstract} % abstract (in English and Spanish)
\setcounter{tocdepth}{3} % define depth of toc
\tableofcontents % display table of contents
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Figures}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Tables}
% --------------------------
% Main matter
% --------------------------
\pagenumbering{arabic} % arabic page numbering
\setcounter{page}{1} % set page counter
\pagestyle{fancy} % fancy header and footer
\parskip=7pt % space after each paragraph
\parindent=0pt % suppress indentation of paragraphs
% Chapters
% --------------------------
% Back matter
% --------------------------
% \printbibliography[title=Referencias, heading=bibintoc]
% **************************************************
% End of document
% **************************************************