University of Kent Computing Thesis Style
M. Lee, D. Knox, K. Greenhow, J. Brookhouse
Last Updated
3달 전
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Thesis style for computing at Kent
% Documentation:
% The UoK class file extends the standard report style to follow the Registry
% guidelines for laying out a thesis. It sets the margins, interline spacing,
% the page, figure and table numbering style, and disallows page breaks at
% hyphens. The class file consists of setting one and an half line spacing text
% with a 4cm left margin, at least a 2.5cm right margin, approximately 2cm top
% and bottom margin, on A4 paper.
% The class the following options, in addition to those of the standard report
% class.
% mini - Toggles the thesis in to mini-thesis mode. This adds "mini" to the
% title and appends a nocite(*) at the end for an automatic output of
% your complete bibliography.
% draftmark - Puts a DRAFT' watermark on every page of the document along
% with the draft statement on the title page. Additionaly, it
% is used as a switch for the UoKExtentions package.
% draft - Puts the entire document into draft mode. Applies all the effect
% of draftmark above, but also propergates to other packages used.
% copyright - Adds a copyright page between the title page and the preface.
% nofig - Disables output of the list of figures in the preface.
% notab - Disables output of the list of tables in the preface.
% noalgo- Disables output of the list of algorithms in the preface.
% All options passed to UoKthesis will be passed along to included packages:
% natbib, draftwatermark, setspace, hyperref, lmodern
% The cover page and optional copyright page are implicitly added before the
% start of the preface section. Use the following commands to populate the
% cover page/copyright page information:
% \title{thesis title}
% \author{author's name}
% \degree{Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy, etc.}
% \subject{author's department}
% - Computer Science if omitted
% \submitdate{month year in which submitted}
% - dated by LaTeX if omitted
% \copyrightyear{year degree conferred (next year if submitted in Dec.)}
% - assumes current year (or next year, in December) if omitted
% The preface environment allows for the use of sections that precede the main
% document; such as Abstract and Acknowlegements. These sections should be
% defined using \section{Preface Section Title}. The contents page (and list of
% figures and tables if in use) will be automatically inserted at the end of the
% preface environment.
% The thesis style invokes the setspace package to set the commands:
% \doublespace
% \onehalfspace
% \singlespace
% for spacing. By default one and an half spacing is used which resembles the
% UKC Typewriter requirement. Singlespace can be used for letterpress
% appearance. If you want to use true double space, for some reason, place the
% \doublespace command where you want to start using double spacing. Just call
% the appropriate spacing command at where you want to use them.
% In the figure and table environments, single spacing is used. If you want to
% use any other size rather than one and an half spacing, then do:
% \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.6} (or whatever you want instead of 1.6)
% This command won't take effect unless it comes before the \begin{document} or
% is triggered by a font change (after something like \small \normalsize).
% The example below shows the 12pt thesis style being used. This seems to give
% acceptable looking results, but it may be omitted to get 10pt. Alternatively,
% the 11pt option can be used.
% This version differs from old_ukcthesis.sty in the following ways:
% 1. Removed the doublespace package (now uses setspace).
% 2. Merged the phantom section for correct PDF links into the bibliography
% generating function.
% 3. Added thesis type options (mini, draft).
% 4. Kent Harvard is used for referencing and citation, this is supported by the
% natbib package.
% 5. PsFig macro removed.
% 6. Now comes as two files, UoKthesis.cls, which defines purely stylistic layout,
% and UoKextentions.sty, that provideds some additional functionality.
% Note: The UoKextentions package includes the xcolor package with the [usenames]
% options. If you need to add further options, these can be given to UoKextentions
% to be propogated through.
% Used to generate some sample text.
% Used to configure the algorithm enviroment
% Used to generate sample image.
% Used in sample table.
%Cover page information
\title{University of Kent\\Thesis Template}
\author{James F. Smith}
\subject{computer science}
%thesis preface
This mini-thesis tells you all you need to know about...
I would like to thank...
%main content
\caption{An example figure.}
\While{Not Terminated}{
DoSomeWork() \;
SomeMoreWork() \tcp{A Comment}
\Return{TheSolution} \;
\caption{An Example algorithm.}
\chapter{The Method}
\section{Section A}
\section{Section B}
\caption{Example table}
& & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Prediction} & \\ \cline{3-4}
& & True & False & \\ \hline
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\multirow{2}{*}{Actual}} & True & 20 & 30 & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{50} \\ \cline{2-5}
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{} & False & 45 & 5 & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{50} \\ \hline
& & 65 & 35 & \\ \cline{3-4}
%Sample bibliography
\chapter{Long Proof}