12pt % Moar bigger
% I used these in my thesis. They're useful. booktabs makes non-shit
% tables.
\title{your thesis title \\ spanning many lines \\ so much life}
\author{Your Name Goes Here}
\month{\textsc{april}} \year{2020}
\previousdegrees{B.Sc., Prestigious University, 2010}
\degreetitle{Doctor of Philosophy}
\department{Bioinformatics and Computational Biology}
%this section makes the info above for the title page available for the authorization page and other places in the dissertation. You will need to re-define your title with no line breaks.
\institution{University of Idaho}
\faculty{College of Graduate Studies}
\majorprofessor{Big Deal, Ph.D.}
\committeeA{Another Big Shot, Ph.D.}
\committeeB{Challenged Your Ideas, Ph.D.}
\committeeC{Always Forget Their Name, Ph.D.}
\committeeD{Not Required, Ph.D.} %*
\admin{Signed Paperwork, Ph.D.}
% *If you need to add more committee members, go to the Title Page section of mythesis.cls (line 141) to define a new member and add it to the title. Adjust spacing as necessary. Then modify the authorization.tex as necessary.
\def\mytitle{your thesis title spanning many lines so much life}
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