%% This is a very unofficial and primitive template for typesetting
%% dissertations, as outlined by the Faculty of Medicine of the
%% University of Freiburg i.Br., Germany. This example does not
%% provide a finished and fully developed dissertation template
%% - not in any way! In fact, its mere purpose is to lay some
%% rudimentary foundations for further modifications!
%% (Latex compiler: XeLaTeX, preferably)
fontsize = 12pt
,paper = a4
,numbers=noendperiod % 2.3.1 vs 2.3.1. (no dot after the last chapter number)
,twoside = false %oneside alternatively
%BCOR = 0mm, %absolute value of binding correction
,toc = bibliography %add "bibliography" to the table of contents,
,toc=listof %add list of tables/figures to the table of contents
]{scrreprt} %alternatively: scrartcl, scrrpt
\ifXeTeX %If you use the XELATEX-Compiler (see: https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/XeLaTeX)
\setmainfont{Arial} % or Times New Roman, or other fonts available on your operating system
\else %If you use the LATEX-Compiler (Times New Roman not available):
%\usepackage{mathptmx} %font equals Times Roman
\addtokomafont{disposition}{\fontfamily{arial}} %font equals Arial
\usepackage[main=english, ngerman]{babel}
% for more languages add e.g. ngerman, french, spanish, czech, russian, slovak, polish, hungarian etc.
%% foreign texts to be typeset as follows:
%% \begin{otherlanguage}{german} ... \end{otherlanguage}
%% \begin{otherlanguage}{russian} ... \end{otherlanguage}
%% \begin{otherlanguage}{czech} ... \end{otherlanguage}
%PLEASE do feel free to change the fonts of the chapter's/section's/subsection's headings; do so by toggling comments, or by adding a selection of \bfseries (bold) \itshape (in italics) \Huge \huge \LARGE \Large \large (what so ever) to the second {}
\input{biber_preamble_harv} %specify file's name containing the biblatex-preamble (package-loading + modifications)
\addbibresource{bibfile.bib} %specify bib-file
%% PAGE LAYOUT and what ever concerns STYLE
top = 3cm,
bottom = 3cm,
right= 3cm,
]{geometry} %customize geometries of the page output
\usepackage[onehalfspacing]{setspace}% inter-line spacing (1.5)
\usepackage{fancyhdr} %create + modify your own headers/footers: http://www.ctex.org/documents/packages/layout/fancyhdr.pdf
\chaptername}\ \itshape\thechapter.%
\ #1}{}}
\usepackage{graphicx} %include graphics/images
\usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor} %COLOURS, hooray!
\usepackage{blindtext} %gibberish
\usepackage[toc,title]{appendix} %adding appendices
\usepackage{chngcntr} %continuous numbering of figures/tables
\usepackage{nomencl} %list of abbreviations
\setlength{\nomitemsep}{-3\parsep} %value of spatial separation between abbreviations and description
\renewcommand{\nomname}{List of Abbreviations} %modify heading of Nomenclature, default=Nomenclature
% \setlength{\nomlabelwidth}{.25\hsize}
\renewcommand{\nomlabel}[1]{#1 \dotfill} % fill space with dots
\RedeclareSectionCommand[beforeskip=0pt, afterskip=0.5cm]{chapter} %adjust spacing immediately before and after chapter/section/subsection headings
%in order to modify the headings' texts (TOC, TOL and TOT, Appendix) please toggle comments:
%\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{List of plots} %default='List of Figures'
%\renewcommand{\listtablename}{Tables} %default='List of Tables'
\addto\captionsenglish{\renewcommand*\contentsname{Table of Contents}} %default='Contents'
%\renewcommand{\appendixtocname}{List of appendices} %default='Appendices'
\AtBeginDocument{\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\thispagestyle{empty}}} %no page numbers on the pages of TOC
\usepackage{hyperref} %last package to be loaded
%PLEASE change the hyperlinks' colours as the whim takes you
\tableofcontents %generate table of contents automatically (for correct use compile at least twice)
\pagenumbering{roman} %new page-numbering starting here with 1
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\nomname} %to include List of Abbreviations into the Table of Contents
\nomenclature{NCL}{Further reading: \href{https://de.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Nomenclatures}{https://de.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Nomenclatures}} %define an abbreviation