%% thesis.tex
%% Distributed with umalayathesis v1.5.3 (7 January 2023)
%% TO USE APA7 REFERENCE STYLE PLEASE SEE https://tex.my/2022/05/28/using-apa7-with-umalayathesis
%% Document class options
%% -----------------------
%% english (default): English thesis
%% bahasam : Malay thesis
%% apacite (default): Loads the apacite package, which implements the APA6
%% citation and referencing styles strictly.
%% ***TO USE APA7 REFERENCE STYLE PLEASE SEE https://tex.my/2022/05/28/using-apa7-with-umalayathesis***
%% custombib: Does not pre-load any bibliography style; you will need to
%% specify \bibliographystyle, \bibliographystyleown etc yourself.
%% appendixhead: Add "APPENDICES" before the Appendix A title
%% altcaption: Caption in smaller fonts; only Figure X, Table Y bold.
%% singlespacedlisttitles: Long titles in the ToC, LoT, LoF, LoA are single-spaced.
%% listpageheader: If your faculty requires a "header row" at the top of
%% the List of Figures/Tables. You can re-define \lofpageheader and
%% \lotpageheader if necessary, e.g.
%% \renewcommand{\lofpageheader}{\hfill Page}
%% boldfrontmattertoc: If your faculty wants front matter "chapters" to be
%% bold in the ToC
%% boldbackmattertoc: If the backmatter "chapters" are to be bolded as well
%% uppercasetoc: If all "chapter" level headings must be upper-cased in the ToC
%% noindenttocchap: If long chapter titles must be un-indented in the ToC
% Useful for including code listings
% aboveskip=-1.5\onelineskip
% Useful for multi-page pages. Either longtable or supertabular is fine; choose any one that you're comfortable with
\author{Lim Lian Tze}
\title{The umalayathesis \LaTeX{} Document Class}
%% If \othertitle is given, then the second abstract will display it
%% (i.e. if your thesis is "english" then this is printed on top of the Malay abstract
%% and if your thesis is "bahasam" then this is printed on top of the English abstract)
%% If no \othertitle is given then the second abstract will not have any translated thesis title
\othertitle{Tajuk dalam Bahasa Lain untuk Abstrak Kedua}
\university{Universiti Malaya}
\faculty{Institute of Postgraduate Studies}
\degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
% load acronym definitions from separate file
%% Choose only ONE from the following to get the
%% correct statement on the title page
% \makecoverandtitlepage{\mastercoursework}
% \makecoverandtitlepage{\mastermixedmode}
% \makecoverandtitlepage{\masterresearch}
% \makecoverandtitlepage{\doctoralcoursework}
% \makecoverandtitlepage{\doctoralmixedmode}
\acknowledgements{Thanks guys. I owe you many.}
%% Uncomment the following and modify the width for the description,
%% if necessary.
%% Uncomment the following and modify separation between glossary entries,
%% if necessary.
% \renewcommand{\glsskip}{1.1}
%% Use these lines, if you need a single list of own publications
% Make sure you have defined your own papers in the .bib file!
% \nociteown{Lim:2009,Bond:etal:WordNetBahasa:2014}
% \bibliographyown{myrefs}
%% Use these lines, if your list of own publications needs to be split
%% into "Journal articles" and "Conference proceedings"
% Make sure you have defined your own papers in the .bib file!
%% Comment out this line if you do not have a separate glossary.
% \printglossary