% https://github.com/martinhelso/uioposter %
% Class options %
% Orientation: %
% portrait (default), landscape %
% %
% Paper size: %
% a0paper (default), a1paper, a2paper, %
% a3paper, a4paper, a5paper, a6paper %
% %
% Language: %
% english (default), norsk %
\usepackage{lipsum} % Dummy text
\usepackage[figwidth = 0.98\linewidth]{todonotes} % Dummy image (and more!)
\usepackage[absolute, overlay]{textpos} % Figure placement
\title{Some Lengthy and Technical Title}
First Author\inst{1}
Second Author\inst{2}
Third Author\inst{1}
%% Optional:
\inst{1} Department of Mathematics
\inst{2} Department of Informatics
% Or:
%\institute{Contact information}
%% Remove footline:
\begin{column}{0.5\textwidth - 1.5cm}
The basic \structure{block} looks like this.
\begin{exampleblock}{Does it come in black?}
Sure, use an \textbf{exampleblock}!
\begin{alertblock}{How do you make it pop?}
Use an \alert{alertblock}!
\missingfigure{Striking imagery relevant to the research}
\begin{column}{0.5\textwidth - 1.5cm}
\begin{block}{Contact information}
\begin{textblock}{0.5}(0.18, 0.94)
\textbf{Write here using textblock}
Such as contact information or references