UA beamer
Shuocheng Guo
Last Updated:
2년 전
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A presentation template (beamer) for The University of Alabama (UA).
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Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\usepackage{etoolbox, xparse}
% set colors
\definecolor{myNewColorA}{RGB}{158, 27,50}
\definecolor{myNewColorB}{RGB}{158, 27,50}
\definecolor{myNewColorC}{RGB}{158, 27,50} % {130,138,143}
\setbeamercolor*{palette primary}{bg=myNewColorC}
\setbeamercolor*{palette secondary}{bg=myNewColorB, fg = white}
\setbeamercolor*{palette tertiary}{bg=myNewColorA, fg = white}
\setbeamercolor*{title}{bg=myNewColorA, fg = white}
\setbeamercolor*{caption name}{fg=myNewColorA}
% \titlegraphic{\includegraphics[height=0.75cm]{ua_eng_logo.png}}
% logo of my university
\title[UA]{Put your title here}%title
%\subtitle{ }%%subtitle
\author[Roll Tide]{Roll Tide\inst{1} and Crimson Ride\inst{1}}%%authors
\institute[UA]{The University of Alabama\inst{1}}
\date[\textcolor{white}{Conference Name, 2022}]
{Conference full name\\
Aug 29-30, 2022}
%This block of commands puts the table of contents at the
%beginning of each section and highlights the current section:
% \begin{frame}
% \frametitle{Contents}
% \tableofcontents[currentsection]
% \end{frame}
% ------Contents below------
%The next statement creates the title page.
% consider removing it if it's too redundant
\frametitle{Table of Contents}
\textcolor{myNewColorA}{\huge{\centerline{Thank you!}}}