%corresponding author: Andam Ali MUSTAFA, andam.mustafa@gmail.com
% The Compiler should be on XeLaTex.
\documentclass[twoside,english,12pt]{Roma Tre University}
% We put all necessary packages and newcommand ...etc in Preamble.sty. Moreover, you can more packages and newcommands ...etc in Preamble.sty.
% All the information below that we used on the title page and in necessary places
\ThesisTitle{Il titolo} % Your thesis title, print it elsewhere with with \TTitle
\Candidate{Il tuo nome} % Your name, print it elsewhere with \Candname
\FirstSupervisor{Il nome del tuo supervisore} % Your First supervisor's name, print it elsewhere with \FstSupName
% In case you have Second supervisor.
\SecondSupervisor{Nome del secondo supervisore} % Your Second supervisor's name, print it elsewhere with \SndSupName
\Coordinator{Il coordinatore} % The Coordinatore, print it elsewhere with \Coord
\AcademicYear{l'anno accademico} % The academic year, print it elsewhere with \AY
\Specialist{Il tuo specialista} % The specialist, print it elsewhere with \Spec
\Department{Il tuo dipartimento} % The department, print it elsewhere with \Dep
\Cycle{Il tuo ciclo} % Your cycle, print it elsewhere with \Cyc
\frontmatter %Frontmatter
\mainmatter %Mainmatter
\setupname % In order to show the chapter: in the table of contents before starting the contents of each chapter.
\backmatter %Backmatter