Simple Recipes for First-Time-Away-From-Home Cooks
LianTze Lim
Last Updated
5년 전
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Example/Template for a simple recipe booklet, with markdown!
Example/Template for a simple recipe booklet, with markdown!
%% These two lines are only needed for providing LARGE base
%% font sizes-- because each page will need to be scaled
%% to 1/8 when made into a pocketmod booklet/zine!
%% Three themes for now; add your own! Look in
%% rc-classic.sty and rc-modern.sty to see examples.
%% These themes use free fonts available on;
%% Ubuntu systems. If you're on Win/Mac and get
%% "font not found" errors, you can search for
%% them on the Web and install them to your
%% operating system's font folder.
% \recipestyle{modern}
% \recipestyle{scribbly}
%% Treat each "page" of the booklet as a full-sized paper first
%% ...and _then_ make it into a pocketmod booklet! (It may help to comment out this line while you're working on the contents, and only enable it when you're ready to really turn your doc into a pocketmod booklet
\title{Simple Recipes for First-Time-Away-From-Home Cooks}
\author{Overleaf staff share their fav quick recipes}