%% This file provides a template that can be used in concert with the
%% ohio-etd class to generate an electronic thesis or dissertation which
%% meets the formatting requirements at Ohio University.
%% To use the template, copy this file (template.tex) and ohio-etd.cls into
%% the same directory and edit this template as required. Reference
%% ohio-etd.pdf for additional instructions on using this class.
%% See https://www.ohio.edu/graduate/etd/tad-forms-and-templates for more
%% templates and information.
%% This template was not created by a TAD Services staff member or Sam Foucart
%% Therefore we cannot provide technical assistance as to its use. Please
%% consult a textbook or contact your department for further assistance.
%% Load the class. Available options are: numbered, pdftex, cmfont,
%% singlespacetables, draft, 11pt, 12pt, leqno, and fleqn
%% Other packages that may be of use. Delete or comment out (using a
%% percent sign in the first column) if they are not desired. Reference
%% the corresponding documentation for more information on how to use these
%% packages.
\usepackage[square,sort&compress,numbers]{natbib} % Provides formatting for
% citations
\usepackage{textcomp} % Provides math symbols that can be used in text mode
\usepackage{amssymb} % Provides additional AMS math symbols. Note that
% amsmath is loaded as part of the ohio-etd class
\usepackage{bm} % Provides bold-faced math symbols
\usepackage{booktabs} % Provides improved table formatting
\usepackage{dcolumn} % Provides table columns aligned at decimal points
\usepackage{multirow} % Provides table elements spanning multiple rows
\usepackage{graphicx} % Standard package to incorporate graphics
\usepackage[printonlyused]{acronym} % Provides a method for incorporating
% acronyms and building an acronym list
\graphicspath{{figures/}} % Allows graphics files to be stored in a
% separate directory
%% Required front matter definitions
\degree {MS} % MS, MA, MCTP, or PhD
\graduation{August}{2013} % May, August, or December
\title {A Template for Theses and Dissertations}
\author {First-Name I.}{Last-Name}
\advisor {Advisor's Full Name}{Advisor's Full Title}
\dean {Dean's Full Name}{Dean's Full Title}
\program {Program Name} % e.g. Electrical Engineering
\department{Department of Something} % e.g. School of Electrical Engineering
% and Computer Science
\college {College of Everything} % e.g. Russ College of Engineering and
% Technology
\abstract {Insert your abstract here}
%% Optional front matter definitions. Delete or comment out if not needed
\coadvisor {Coadvisor's Full Name}{Coadvisor's Full Title}
Insert your dedication here.\\ A double backslash can be used to force line breaks if desired.
\acknowledgments{Insert your acknowledgments here or comment out this line.}
%% If you prefer to provide "acknowledgements" instead (note the added "e"
%% between the "g" and the "m") then add the "e" in the macro name so that
%% it reads "\acknowledgements".}
%% Additional "lists" can be added to the end of the front matter using the
%% \addlistof macro. For example:
\addlistof{Symbols}{Insert your list of symbols here or comment out this line.}
%% Note that the command "\input{symbols}" can be used if the symbol list is
%% contained in a separate file called "symbols.tex"}
\addlistof{Acronyms}{Insert your list of acronyms here or comment out this line}
%% Use "\input{acronyms}" if the acronym list is in a separate file called
%% "acronyms.tex". Note that the formatting generated by the acronym package
%% can be forced into singlespaced text by inserting "\setlength\itemsep{0pt}
%% \setlength\parskip{0pt}" into the "acronym" environment.}
%% For documents created by government employees as part of their
%% employment. The wording of the disclaimer can be specified using an
%% option. See the documentation for more information.
% \govtdisclaimer
% \notables % Prevent a list of tables from being created
% \nofigures % Prevent a list of figures from being created
\makefrontmatter % Creates all of the front matter pages.
%% Body of the text follows, using \chapter, \section, \subsection,
%% \subsubsection, \paragraph, and \subparagraph to generate the
%% section headings. For convenience, it may be useful to break the
%% full document into separate files, perhaps divided by chapters. In
%% that case, the files would be loaded here using "\input{filename}"
\chapter{The First Chapter}
\section{An Example Section}
\subsection{This is a subsection}
%% The \references command marks the point where the bibliography will
%% be inserted. In the example below, the BibTeX commands are
%% inserted into the macro definition, but one could also manually
%% enter the bibliography entries if desired.
%ETD does not define a particular required bibliography style.
%They DO require entries to end in a period UNLESS they end in a URL
%or DOI AND that DOIs be set in the same font as everything else.
%I have modified the alphaurl style file, to conform to these requirements.
\appendix % Indicates the transition from chapters to appendices.
% Subsequent
\chapter{An Appendix}
\section{A Section in the Appendix}