% This template has been created by Theo J. Mertzimekis, PhD
% It can be modified freely to meet your needs.
% Help in using this thesis can be found here:
% http://users.uoa.gr/~tmertzi/LaTeX
% As a minimal credit to the creator, please do not remove the lines above
% package to activate greek language - the sequence languages appear below is IMPORTANT!!!
% use only one of the two options below, depending on the language you want to use.
% also see instructions in line 75
\usepackage[greek,english]{babel} % use this line if greek version is desired
%\usepackage[english,greek]{babel} % use this line if english version is desired
% package to handle graphics
% package for long tables, exceeding one single page
% packages to handle multiple figures in a minipage
% package to extend math capabilities
% package to include code listings
%package to activate XeTeX font manager
\usepackage{noto} % --> Use Google Noto font to fix some characters when standard fonts (Times etc) are used
\defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text} % converts LaTeX specials (``quotes'' --- dashes etc.) to unicode
%\setromanfont{Times New Roman}
%\setmonofont{Courier New}
%\setmainfont{Times New Roman} % You can set your main font here, if Google Noto is not chosen
\newcommand{\amper}{{\fontspec[Scale=.95]{Gentium Italic}\selectfont\itshape\&}}
% package to handle line spacing
\usepackage[unicode,driverfallback=dvipdfmx, bookmarks, colorlinks, breaklinks, pdftitle={Theo J. Mertzimekis - A thesis template for UoA students},pdfauthor={tmertzi}]{hyperref}
% package for fancy style headers and footers
% redefine bullet symbols and section style
% if GREEK is wanted, leave lines 78 and 103 as is.
% else remove lines 78-103
% change captions especially for greek language - if the document is in ENGLISH, they should vanish
\renewcommand\listfigurename{Κατάλογος Σχημάτων}%
\renewcommand\listtablename{Κατάλογος Πινάκων}%
\renewcommand\alsoname{βλέπε επίσης}%
\usepackage{xgreek} %% this is to load greek hyphenation, remove if english is the basic language
%%%%%%%%% END OF PREAMBLE %%%%%%%%%%%%
\setlanguage{greek} %% this is to activate greek hyphenation, remove if english is the basic language
% make title out of \author, \title, \date specified in the preamble
% include the abstract, written in a separate file called thesis_abstract.tex
% Create table of contents - not mandatory
% Create a list of figures - not mandatory - remove % from the next 2 lines, if needed
% Create a list of tables - not mandatory - remove % from the next 2 lines, if needed
\setcounter{page}{0} %reset numbering to 1,2,3...
% include files with content. Changes the names according to your taste.
\chapter{Βιβλιογραφική Ανασκόπηση}
\chapter{Σκοπός Εργασίας}
\chapter{Θεωρητική Διαδικασία}
\chapter{Πειραματική Διαδικασία}
\chapter{Αποτελέσματα και Ανάλυση}
\bibliographystyle{unsrt} % bibliography style is unsorted numerically, other styles: alpha [Mer02] etc. Check LaTeX reference manual for more styles
\bibliography{thesis_biblio} % this is the .bib file that holds the bibliography records
\chapter{Το λογισμικό}
%\chapter{Σύντομο βιογραφικό σημείωμα} - Optional source file for PhD theses