%% This is a LaTeX template for writing Project Reports
%% of the M Tech Programmes of APJAKTU.
%% The template was developed by
%% Dr V N Krishnachandran,
%% Vidya Academy of Science & Technology,
%% Thrissur - 680501.
%% Customized for ECE department, College of Engineering Trivandrum, by Christy James Jose, March 2024
%% **********************************
%% In the next line, replace Title of the Project with the title of
%% students's Project.
\ttitle{Title of the Project }
%% In the next line replace Student Name by name of the student
\nname{Student Name }
%% In the next line replace nnnnnnnnnn by the Register Number of student.
%% In the next line, replace Specialization Name by
%% the name of the MTech specialization
%% (e.g. Structural Engineering, Embedded Systems)
%%\sspecialization{Electronics \& Communication Engineering}
\sspecialization{Applied Electronics \& Instrumentation Engineering}
%% In the next line, replace logo by the filename of the image
%% of the emblem/logo of the College. File can be jpg or png
%% formats. File name extension is not required.
%% In the next line, replace Name of Department by
%% the name of the Department which is offering the
%% BTech programme. (Recall that to get &,
%% one has to input \&.)
\ddept{Electronics \& Communication Engineering}
%% In the next line, enter name of College.
\ccollege{College of Engineering Trivandrum}
%% In the next line, replace Address Line 1 by the first line
%% in the address of the College, or whatever is relevant.
%% In the next line, replace Address Line 2 by the second line
%% in the address of the College, or whatever is relevant.
%% In the next line, replace Month Year by
%% the month and year in
%% which the project report is being submitted.
\ddate{May 2024}
%% In the next line, replace Name of Guide by the name of the
%% Project guide or the internal supervisor.
\gguide{Prof. Guide Name}
%% In the next line, replace Name of HoD by
%% the name of the Head of Department.
\hhod{Prof. HoD Name}
%% Project Co- ordinator1
\pprojectco{Prof. Coordinator 1}
%% Project Co- ordinator2
\pprojectcoii{Prof. PG Professor}
%% There is a file named titlepage.tex. DO NOT EDIT the file.
%% There is file named declaration.tex. DO NOT EDIT the file.
%% There is file named certificate.tex. DO NOT EDIT the file.
%% There is file named acknowledgment.tex. The file MAY BE EDITED.
%% There is a file named abstract.tex. Edit the file
%% to include the abstract of the Project.
%% Do not make any changes in the next six lines.
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{LIST OF TABLES}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{LIST OF FIGURES}
%% Edit the lines shown below to include the abbreviations
%% and their expansions used in the project report.
%(List in the alphabetical order)
%Abbreviation & Expansion \\
%%% Edit the next few lines.
%AAA & American Automobile Association \\
%HAS & High Altitude Simulation\\
%LMTD & Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference\\
%PDF & Probability Density Function\\
%*** & *** \\
%% Edit the lines shown below to include the details of
%% the notations and their meanings used in the project report.
%(List in the alphabetical order)
%Notations & Explanations \\
%%% Edit the next few lines.
%A & Area (m${}^2$)\\
%E & Voltage (V)\\
%T & Temperature (K)\\
%*** & ***\\
%\multicolumn{2}{c}{Greek Symbols}\\
%%% Edit the next few lines.
%$\alpha$ & Diffusivity (m${}^2$/s)\\
%$\tau$ & Shear Stres (MPa) \\
%*** & *** \\
%% **********************************************************
\input{chapters/chapter_1} % include chapter 1 file
\input{chapters/chapter_2} % include chapter 2 file
\input{chapters/chapter_3} % include chapter 3 file
\input{chapters/chapter_4} % include chapter 4 file
\input{chapters/chapter_5} % include chapter 5 file
\input{chapters/chapter_6} % include chapter 6 file
\input{chapters/chapter_7} % include chapter 7 file
\input{chapters/chapter_8} % include chapter 8 file
%% **********************************************************
%% There is a file named references.tex. The file contains
%% some sample references. Edit that file to include
%% the details of the actual references.
%\achapter{Appendix 1}
%% There is a file named publications.tex. The file contains
%% some sample publications. Edit that file to include
%% the details of the actual publications.