MNR Lab Bachelor Thesis
Abdelrahman Hosney
Last Updated
8년 전
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
MNR Lab bachelor thesis template
MNR Lab bachelor thesis template
% See
% for documentclass options.
\textsc{ \\[1cm]}
% Title of thesis (used on cover and in abstract).
\HRule \\
{\Large Thee-Dimensional Control of Helical Magnetic Microrobots using Two Synchronized Rotating Dipole Fields}
{\large Bachelor Thesis \\
German University in Cairo\\
Faculty of Material Science and Engineering\\
Mechatronics Engineering\\[3cm]}
\begin{flushleft} \large
Abdelrahman Hosney
\emph{Supervisors:} \\
Dr. Islam Khalil \\
Dr. Anke Klinge \\
% First is long title of degree (used on cover).
% Second is abbreviation for degree (used in abstract).
% Third is the month the degree was (will be) awarded (used on cover
% and abstract).
% Last is the year the degree was (wlll be) awarded (used on cover
% and abstract).
% Major professor (used in abstract).
% Use \majorprofs{...} if you have more than one professor.
\majorprof{Islam S. M. Khalil}
% Campus (used only on cover)
\newcommand{\margins}{\Repeat{Show where the margins for the page are.}{4}}
\newcommand{\ve}[2]{\en{#1_1},~\en{#1_2},\ \ldots,~\en{#1_{#2}}}
% Front matter (dedication, etc.).
% Put chapter \include commands here.
% Use "\appendix" for one appendix or "\appendices" for more than one
% appendix.
% \appendices
% \include{demo-figures}
% \include{demo-mathematics}
% \include{demo-multicols}
% \include{demo-tables}
% \include{demo-text}
% A vita is optional for masters theses
% and required for doctoral dissertations.
% \include{vita}