JD PostDoc Project Research Plan Template
Last Updated:
4년 전
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
JD PostDoc Project Research Plan Template

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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% project name, name of the applicant, etc.
\title{京东博士后科研工作站\\ \vspace{0.4cm}
课题名称 & \phantom{cc}research plan title\phantom{cc} \\
项目申请人 & \phantom{cc}XXX\phantom{cc} \\
毕业学校 & \phantom{cc}XX大学\phantom{cc} \\
申报方向 & \\
% set up the cover page
\includegraphics[width = 15cm]{images/logo.jpg} \\
{\HUGE \bfseries \sffamily \@title } \\ \vspace{3.9cm}
{\LARGE \@author} \\ \vspace{3cm}
{\LARGE \@date}
% {\color{magenta}
% 需要修改:项目题目缩小,增加深度
% }
\subsection{\Large 项目阐述}
\subsubsection*{\large 项目背景:}
\subsubsection*{\large 研究方法:}
\subsubsection*{\large 拟采取的技术路线:}
\subsubsection*{\large 可行性分析:}
% add bib items in references.bib
% \bibliographystyle{plain}
% \bibliography{references}