IRIS Application (KIT - Physics Department)
Marcus Lai
Last Updated
4달 전
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
IRIS Application form, simple format
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\centerline{\scshape{\LARGE Independent Research \& Innovation for Students}}
\centerline{\scshape{\large IRIS (Summer 2024)}}
\begin{enumerate}[listparindent=1.5em,parsep = 0pt]
\boxitem{1.}{ \underline{\small Name(s) \& Email(s)}
\vspace{20pt} %Fill this field
\boxitem{2.}{ \underline{\small Tentative Project Title}
\vspace{50pt} %Fill this field
\boxitem{3.}{ \underline{\small Elaboration and scope of Project}
\vspace{250pt} %Fill this field
\boxitem{4.}{ \underline{\small Resources (Labs), Goods \& Services Required}
\vspace{110pt} %Fill this field