% This template comes from Clara Eleonore Pavillet.
% The Beamer Theme has been modified by Dr. Rahul Raoniar to fulfill B.Tech/Master/Ph.D./PostDoc student's Dissertation/Thesis/Proposal requirements.
% Description: I made this unofficial Beamer Template for the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB). Feel free to use it, modify it, and share it.
% Thank you note: A huge thanks goes to Clara Eleonore Pavillet for the original template.
% Title page
\title{\textbf{\textcolor{purple}{Thesis Title Thesis Title Thesis Title Thesis Title}}}
% Sub-title
\subtitle{Ph.D. Viva Voce Presentation}
\author{\footnotesize \textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Your Name}} \newline Under the Supervision of \newline \textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Supervisor Name \vspace{4mm}}}}
\institute{\footnotesize \textbf{Indian Institute of Technology Bombay}\\ \vspace{1mm} Transportation Systems Engineering\\ Department of Civil Engineering}
\date{\tiny March 1, 2023} %\today
% Outline
{\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Presentation Outline}}}\tableofcontents
% Section: Introduction
% Slide: Motivation of The Study
\begin{frame}{\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Motivation of the Study}}}
\item \textcolor{red}{22\%} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eget mauris eu ipsum viverra sollicitudin. Proin risus lorem, commodo \cite{WHO-2018}.
\item Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, \textcolor{red}{200} \textcolor{blue}{fgggrg} and \textcolor{red}{amet, consectetur adipiscing elit} amet, consectetur adipiscing elit lorem \cite{Tiwari-2007}.
% Slide: Need of The Study
\begin{frame}{\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Need of the Study}}}
\item amet, consectetur \textcolor{blue}{2011} amet, consectetur adipiscing \textcolor{red}{amet, consectetur} amet, consectetur \textcolor{red}{55\%} amet, consectetur \textcolor{red}{14} amet, consectetur \cite{Koh-2014}
\item \textcolor{blue}{Vivamus turpis} Mauris id dapibus sem. Vivamus turpis ipsum, sodales vitae velit in, consectetur ultricies sem \cite{Hussain-2021}.
% Section: Literature Review
\section{\textbf{\textcolor{purple}{Literature Review}}}
% Slide: Flowchart
% Slide: Slide with Image and Text
\begin{frame}{\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Slide with Image and Text}}}
\caption{\scriptsize Description of a boxplot}
\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{``Pellentesque luctus tellus gravida velit accumsan interdum. Ut consectetur, metus sed euismod cursus, enim lorem"}} {\tiny – \textcolor{blue}{Source} [\textcolor{red}{draft}]}
\item Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, \textcolor{blue}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet}, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
\item \textcolor{red}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet} is hiLorem ipsum dolor sit amet \textcolor{blue}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet}.
% Sub-section: Next Sub-section Title
\section*{\textbf{\textcolor{orange}{Section Title}}}
% Slide: Slide with Literature table1
\begin{frame}{\normalsize \textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Literature Table 1}}}
\hspace{1cm}{\tiny \textcolor{red}{Note}: \textcolor{orange}{O}: Observational Study; \textcolor{red}{Q}: Questionnaire Survey Study; \\ \hspace{1.6cm} SA: Survival Analysis; EDA: Exploratory Data Analysis}
% Sub-section: Next Sub-section Title
\section*{\textbf{\textcolor{orange}{Next Section Title}}}
% Slide: Slide with Literature table2
\begin{frame}{\normalsize \textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Literature Table 2}}}
\hspace{1cm}{\tiny \textcolor{red}{Note}: \textcolor{orange}{O}: Observational Study; \textcolor{blue}{R}: Report; \\ \hspace{1.6cm} BLR: Binary Logistic Regression}
% Slide: Research Gaps
\begin{frame}{\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Research Gaps}}}
\item \textcolor{red}{\textbf{Fusce pulvinar congue arcu, tempor efficitur}} for \textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Fusce pulvinar congue arcu, tempor efficitur}}.
\item Fusce pulvinar congue arcu, tempor efficitur purus aliquam sed. \textcolor{red}{\textbf{Fusce pulvinar congue arcu, tempor efficitur purus aliquam sed.}}
% Section: Study Objectives
\section{\textbf{\textcolor{purple}{Study Objectives}}}
% Slide: Study Objectives
\begin{frame}{\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Study Objectives}}}
\textcolor{blue}{Objective I}: Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices.\\
\textcolor{blue}{Objective II}: Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices\\ \hspace{2.3cm} posuere cubilia curae; Cras malesuada urna arcu, vestibulum dictum\\ \hspace{2.3cm} mi mattis id. Integer rutrum commodo velit eu consequat. \\
\textcolor{blue}{Objective III}: Mi mattis id. Integer rutrum commodo velit eu consequat.
% Section: Study Objectives
\section{\textbf{\textcolor{purple}{Study Methodology}}}
% Slide: Study Methodology
\frametitle{\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Study Methodology}}}
% Slide: Study Area Map
\begin{frame}{\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Study Area Map}}}
\caption*{Source: Example map created by author using QGIS software.}
% Slide: Survey Data Collection
\begin{frame}{\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Survey Data Collection}}}
% Section: Exploratory Data Analysis
\section{\textbf{\textcolor{purple}{Exploratory Data Analysis}}}
% Slide: Descriptive Statistics
\begin{frame}{\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Descriptive Statistics}}}
% Section: Modeling
% Slide: Modeling Framework
\begin{frame}{\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Modeling Framework}}}
% Section: Results
% Slide: Model Results
\begin{frame}{\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Model Results}}}
% Section: Study Conclusions, Contributions, and Practical Implications
\section{\textbf{\textcolor{purple}{Study Conclusions, Contributions, and Practical Implications
% Slide: Study Conclusions
\begin{frame}{\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Study Conclusions}}}
% Slide: Study Contributions
\begin{frame}{\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Study Contributions}}}
% Slide: Practical Implications
\begin{frame}{\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Practical Implications}}}
% Section: Research plan
\section{\textbf{\textcolor{purple}{Research Plan}}}
\begin{frame}{\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Research Plan}}}
% Section: References
% Slide: Last Slide
\textbf{\textcolor{blue!70}{\huge ``If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it."}}\\
\textbf{\textcolor{violet}{\large Margaret Fuller}} \\
\textbf{\textcolor{teal!80}{\huge Thank You!}}