HFU LaTeX Thesis Template English
Tim T.
Last Updated
일 년 전
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is a thesis template for students of Hochschule Furtwangen University.
This is a thesis template for students of Hochschule Furtwangen University.
fontsize=12pt, % default font size 12pt
paper=a4, % DIN A4 page format
numbers=noenddot, % remove dots behind chapter numbers (e.g. 1.5 not 1.5.)
listof=totoc, % add list of figures, tables, etc. to ToC
listof=entryprefix, % add entry name to figures, tables, etc.
listof=nochaptergap, % no chapter gap for figures, tables, etc.
bibliography=totoc, % add bibliography to ToC but without a chapter number
parskip=half % half line spacing between paragraphs
\input{preamble} % load preamble
\include{framework/titlepage} % title page
% Roman numbering
\include{framework/abstract} % Abstract
\tableofcontents % Contents
\listoffigures % List of Figures
\listoftables % List of Tables
\lstlistoflistings % List of Code Listings
\include{framework/abbreviations} % Abbreviations
% Content
% Bibliography
% Declaration of Authorship (in German)
% Appendices