GeoURV - Poster template
Benito Zaragozí
Last Updated
5년 전
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Proposta de presentació per als pòsters de la assignatura Projecte 3 del Grau de Geografia de la URV.
Proposta de presentació per als pòsters de la assignatura Projecte 3 del Grau de Geografia de la URV.
\begin{frame}[t] % The whole poster is enclosed in one beamer frame
\begin{columns}[t] % The whole poster consists of two major columns, each of which can be subdivided further with another \begin{columns} block - the [t] argument aligns each column's content to the top
\begin{column}{.02\textwidth}\end{column} % Empty spacer column
\begin{column}{.465\textwidth} % The first column
\lipsum[1][1-7] \citep{PerezCueva2006}.
\caption{Peu de la figura}
\lipsum[1][1-5] \citep{FernandezGarcia2016}.
X \rightarrow r(X) & = \arg \max_{c} \Big\{ \max_n \big\{ \sum_{x_i \in X} \delta(x_i,Y_{n,c})\big\} \Big\}
\lipsum[1][4-6]. Cras faucibus scelerisque cursus. Proin ut vestibulum augue. $\delta(x_i,Y_{n,c})$.
\caption{Peu de la figura}
\end{column} % End of the first column
\begin{column}{.03\textwidth}\end{column} % Empty column
\begin{column}{.465\textwidth} % The second column
\begin{tabular}{l l l}
\textbf{Column 0} & \textbf{Column 1} & \textbf{Column 2}\\
Row 1 & 0.0003262 & 0.562\\
Row 2 & 0.0015681 & 0.910\\
Row 3 & 0.0009271 & 0.296\\
\caption{Peu de la taula}
\caption{Peu de la figura}
\item \lipsum[1][1]
\item \lipsum[1][2]
\item \lipsum[1][3]
\item \lipsum[1][4]
\item \lipsum[1][5]
\begin{block}{Discussió i conclusions}
\lipsum[1][1-10] \citep{PerezCueva2006}.
\lipsum[3][1-10] \citep{PerezCueva2006}.
%\nocite{*} % Insert publications even if they are not cited in the poster
\end{column} % End of the second column
\begin{column}{.015\textwidth}\end{column} % Empty spacer column
\end{columns} % End of all the columns in the poster
\end{frame} % End of the enclosing frame