Experimental Physics 3 Template
Rick Hellinga
Last Updated
5년 전
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for writing lab reports at the Eindhoven University of Technology based on the template of Thijs Nugteren and Joos Buijs.
Template for writing lab reports at the Eindhoven University of Technology based on the template of Thijs Nugteren and Joos Buijs.
\addto\captionsbritish{\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}}
\newcommand{\researchgroup}{Experimental Physics 3}
\newcommand{\shortdoctitle}{Doc title}
\newcommand{\authorone}{Author 1}
\newcommand{\sauthorone}{s-number I}
\newcommand{\authortwo}{Author II}
\newcommand{\sauthortwo}{s-number II}
\newcommand{\keywords}{keyword1, keyword2, keyword3}
\newcommand{\version}{First version}
\newcommand{\monthYear}{MONTH 2019}
\newcommand{\firstCommitteeMember}{NAME PRACTICUM SUPERVISOR}
pdfauthor = {\authorone and \authortwo},
pdftitle = {\shortdoctitle},
pdfsubject = {\doctitle},
pdfkeywords = {\keywords}
\chapter{Experimental set-up}\label{chapter:Experimental set-up}
\chapter{Results and discussion}\label{chapter:Results and discussion}
\chapter{My First Appendix}\label{chapter:Appendix A}