EPFL EDMI Annual Thesis Report
Anurag Mangla
Last Updated
10년 전
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for the Annual PhD Thesis Report for the Doctoral School in Microsystems and Microelectronics (EDMI) of EPFL
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microelectronics}}}%{DOCTORAL PROGRAM IN\\
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\title{\normalsize\bfseries Annual Thesis Report (2013--2014)\\
\Large\bfseries Modeling nanoscale quasi-ballistic MOS transistors:\\ a circuit design perspective
%\textit{Intermediate Report}}
\maketitle %
\begin{tabular}{m{6cm} m{5cm} m{3cm}}
% after \\: \hline or \cline{col1-col2} \cline{col3-col4} ...
\bfseries{Report Type:} & Final & \\\\\\
\bfseries{PhD Student:} & Anurag Mangla & \dotfill{} \\\\\\
\bfseries{Thesis Director:} & Prof. Christian Enz & \dotfill{} \\\\\\
\bfseries{Thesis Co-director:} & Dr. Jean-Michel Sallese & \dotfill{} \\\\\\
\bfseries{Date:} & \today & \\\\\\
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\fancyhead[CE,CO]{{Annual Thesis Report (2013-2014)}} %
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%\fancyfoot[RE,LO]{\textit{\copyright A. Mangla}} %
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\section{Work Objectives}
The goals of this work are as following:
\item Understanding the behavior of ballisticity in nanoscale \mosfet{}s focusing especially on
the electrostatics.
\item Modeling the charge
and potential in \bal{} and \qb{} double-gate \mosfet{}{}s in a semi-empirical manner that is
more approachable to a designer.
\section{Work Achieved in the Past Year}
\subsection{Subsection heading 1}
\caption{\subref{fig:1a},\subref{fig:1c} Potential
profile \subref{fig:1b},\subref{fig:1d} Carrier density
profile of the \SIlist{10;100}{\nm} ballistic and diffusive devices.
$\Vd=$\SI{0.5}{V}, $\Vs=$\SI{0}{V}.}
\subsection{Subsection heading 2}
\includegraphics[width=0.25\columnwidth]{pgmos} \caption{Geometry of the proposed
partially gated \textsc{dgsoi} \mosfet{}. %used for the Monte-Carlo
% simulations.
The channel length $L\sub{c}$ is the length of the semiconductor between the source and drain
junctions. The gate length $L\sub{G}$ is the length of the channel covered by the metal gate.
This structure was simulated for $\LGoverLc=$ \numlist{0.1;0.3;0.5;0.9;1}.}
% \includegraphics{potxPG100}
% \includegraphics{ndxPG100}
\caption{\subref{fig:3:2a},\subref{fig:3:4a},\subref{fig:3:3a},\subref{fig:3:5a} Potential
profile \subref{fig:3:2b},\subref{fig:3:4b},\subref{fig:3:3b},\subref{fig:3:5b} Carrier density
profile of the \SIlist{10;100}{\nm} partial-gate devices with different
\nicefrac{L\sub{G}}{L\sub{c}} ratios.
$\Vd=$\SI{0.5}{V}, $\Vs=$\SI{0}{V}}
\subsection{Subsection heading 3}
\section{Current State of the Work}
Writing and editing of the PhD dissertation has begun and is expected to be finished by the end of
June 2014.
\section{Calendar of Upcoming Work}
\begin{tabular}{p{0.5\textwidth} l}
Submission of the thesis & June 2014\\\\
Private thesis defense & August 2014
\section{Scientific Publications, Presentations, Conferences}