DJ Sanghavi College of Engineering Annual Progress Seminar Template
Last Updated
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Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is the PPT template to be used for Annual Progress Seminar of DJ Sanghavi College of Engineering.
\usepackage[table,xcdraw]{xcolor} % xcolor is already loaded here
\usepackage{booktabs} % For better looking tables
\usepackage{textpos} % for absolute positioning of the logo
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows, positioning}
% Title page details
\title[XYZ] % (optional, for the short title in the footer)
\author[XYZ] % (optional, for multiple authors)
\institute[UofM] % (optional)
Research Scholar\\ Department of Computer Engineering \\
% Remove \vspace inside lists as it causes issues in some cases
\textbf{Under the Guidance of:} \\
\textbf{Dr. XYZ} \\ % Guide's Name
SVKM’s Dwarkadas J. Sanghvi College of Engineering
\date[Annual Progress Seminar-II] % (optional)
{Annual Progress Seminar-II: September 21st 2024}
% Title frame
% Adjust logo positioning to the top right
\begin{textblock*}{2cm}(1.5cm, -8.25cm) %
\begin{textblock*}{2cm}(8.5cm, -8.25cm) %
% Table of contents
\frametitle{Table of Contents}
% Introduction section
\item A
\item B
% Need and Motivation
\section{Need and Motivation}
\frametitle{Need and Motivation}
\item \textbf{Placeholder Need}
\item A
\item \textbf{Placeholder Impact}
\item B
% Literature Review
\section{Literature Review}
\begin{frame}{Literature Review}
\tiny % Reduced font size for the table
\textbf{Reference} & \textbf{Title} & \textbf{Contributions} & \textbf{Limitations} \\
Author 1 & Placeholder Title & Placeholder Contribution & Placeholder Limitation \\
Author 2 & Placeholder Title & Placeholder Contribution & Placeholder Limitation \\
% Research Gaps
\section{Research Gaps}
\frametitle{Research Gaps}
\textbf{Research Gaps in Placeholder Systems}
\item Placeholder research gap related to your domain.
\textbf{Placeholder Techniques for Improvement}
\item Placeholder text explaining the gaps in current methods and suggestions for improvement.
% Problem Statement
\section{Problem Statement}
\frametitle{Problem Statement}
\textbf{Statement:} Placeholder statement
\item Placeholder 1
\item Placeholder 2
% Research Objectives
\section{Research Objectives}
\frametitle{Research Objectives}
\textbf{Goal: Enhance Placeholder systems by addressing placeholder challenges.}
\item Objective 1: Investigate placeholder challenges.
\item Objective 2: Apply placeholder techniques for data generation.
\item Objective 3: Develop placeholder models.
\item Objective 4: Incorporate placeholder context for improvement.
\item Objective 5: Handle placeholder variability.
% Methodology
\section{Research Methodology}
\frametitle{Research Methodology}
\item Placeholder problem definition in your research domain.
\item Placeholder literature review to identify gaps.
\item Placeholder experimentation using datasets, developing placeholder models.
% Dataset Preparation
\section{Dataset Preparation}
\frametitle{Dataset Preparation}
\item Placeholder text for collecting data related to your specific project.
\item Placeholder datasets used: Dataset 1, Dataset 2, etc.
\textbf{Dataset} & \textbf{Languages/Content} & \textbf{Size} & \textbf{Access} \\
Placeholder 1 & Language 1 & Large & Access Type \\
Placeholder 2 & Language 2 & Medium & Access Type \\
% Algorithm Section
\section{Algorithms for Dynamic Placeholder}
\frametitle{Algorithms for Dynamic Placeholder}
\item Placeholder comparison of algorithms and approaches in your domain.
% Experiments section
Placeholder for experimentation details, showcasing placeholder configurations, results, and analysis.
% Conclusion section
This study addresses placeholder challenges in the domain of placeholder systems.
\item Placeholder for results and outcomes.
% Data Availability section
\section{Data Availability}
\frametitle{Data Availability}
\item \textbf{Data:} Placeholder for data availability.
% Research Plan section
\section{Outline of the Next Year Research Plan}
\frametitle{Outline of the Next Year Research Plan}
\framesubtitle{Work Breakdown Structure (September 2024 - May 2025)}
x unit=0.035cm,
y unit title=0.4cm,
y unit chart=0.3cm,
time slot format=isodate-yearmonth,
bar/.style={fill=blue!40, draw=blue!80},
group/.style={fill=blue!40, draw=blue!60},
group label font=\fontsize{4}{5}\selectfont,
title label font=\fontsize{4}{5}\selectfont,
bar label font=\fontsize{4}{5}\selectfont
% Labels for the months
\gantttitlecalendar{year, month=name} \\
% Task 1
\ganttgroup{1. Placeholder Task 1}{2024-09}{2025-01} \\
\ganttbar{1.1 Sub-task A}{2024-09}{2024-11} \\
\ganttbar{1.2 Sub-task B}{2024-11}{2025-01} \\
% References
\bibitem{placeholder1} Placeholder Citation 1, "Title of Paper 1," in \textit{Placeholder Journal Name}, Year, pp. X-Y.
\bibitem{placeholder2} Placeholder Citation 2, "Title of Paper 2," in \textit{Placeholder Journal Name}, Year, pp. X-Y.