% LaTeX Example by Andreas Sjostedt
% More details at http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/HumanitiesLyX
titleformat=italic,% Titles in italic
titleformat=commasep,% A comma between athors and title
titleformat=all,% Always show a title (or a short title)
commabeforerest,% A comma after title
citefull=first,% The first citing in full form
oxford,% The oxford style
super,% Footnotes
see,% An extra optional argument as a prenote
\title{Using Jurabib for Oxford style footcite with the normal cite command}
\author{Andreas Sjostedt}
In an earlier book on game theory\cite{basar1995dynamic}, Basar states that\dots
\bibliographystyle{jox} %instead of the normal one, this is jurabib oxford style