CV with QR code LaTeX for engineering jobs
Harald Ellingsen
Last Updated
8년 전
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is my CV as an example for those interested. Comments on the coding used is very welcomed.
This is my CV as an example for those interested. Comments on the coding used is very welcomed.
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\newcommand{\harald}{Harald Ellingsen}
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\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{p{.4\textwidth} l l}
Møllergata 2 & Born: & 14.11.85\\
4616 Kristiansand & Tel.: & +47 957 47 869\\
Norway & Email: & \href{}{\texttt{}}\\
% & \textit{Linkedin:} & \href{}{\texttt{}}\\
\bottomrule %
{\large\bf Key Qualifications}\\
\hspace{1.5em}\=BSc. Computer Science and Industrial Automation\\
\>Java, C/C++ based Arduino and C\#\\
\>Valuable experience from follow-up and testing a wide range of drilling control system products\\
{\large\bf Key Attributes}\\
\hspace{1.5em}\=Fast Learner - Hobby Developer\\
\>Detailed Eye - Structured and easy going\\
\>Problem Solver\\
{\large\bf Education}\\
\hspace{1.5em}\=Aug. 08 -- Jun. 12\quad\= -- \=BSc Computer Science and Industrial Automation, Y-VEI, \textit{TUC}\footnotemark\\
\>\qquad Sept. 09 -- Jul. 10 \quad -- Exchange student, \textit{Universidad de Valladolid}, Valladolid, Spain\\
\>23 June 06\> -- \>Apprenticeship certificate in Service Electronics, \textit{Royal Norwegian Navy}\\
\>Aug. 04 -- Jun. 05\> -- \>Officer Cadet School, \textit{Royal Norwegian Navy}\\
\>Aug. 01 -- Jun. 04\> -- \>Electro specialized in Service Electronics, \textit{Kvadraturen Skolesenter}\\
\footnotetext{Telemark University College}
{\large\bf Work Experience}\\
\hspace{1.5em}\=May 12 -- Present\quad\= -- \=\parbox[t]{.8\textwidth}{Control Systems Engineer, \textit{Aker MH AS/MHWirth AS}\footnotemark}\\
\>\qquad Jun. 15 -- Dec. 15 \quad -- Technical Lead for Control cabinets, cabin and operator chairs\\
\>\qquad Jan. 15 -- May 15 \quad -- Drilling Control \& Monitoring Systems technical assistant major projects\\
\>\qquad Dec. 13 -- Dec. 14 \quad -- DCMS Manager for Production Unit Kristiansand\\
\>\qquad May 12 -- Dec. 13 \quad -- DCMS Manager assistance and training major projects\\
\footnotetext{Company name changed to MHWirth AS from Sept. 2014}
{\large\bf Extracurricular Activities}\\
\hspace{1.5em}\=Aug. 11 -- Jun. 12\quad\= -- \=Secretary, Electronics Club, \textit{TUC}\\
%\hspace{1.5em}\=Aug. 11 -- Jun. 12\quad\= -- \=Vice class representative, IA\footnotemark Y-VEI 09, \textit{TUC}\\
{\large\bf Language Skills}\\
\hspace{1.5em}\=English\quad\=: \=Verbal fluent, writing proficient\\
\>Spanish \>: \>Conversational, basic
{\large\bf IT-Qualifications and experience}\\
\hspace*{1.5em}\=Autocad 2D, \textit{used for control system topology, electrical layouts and circuit diagrams}\\
\>Step7 and WinCC, \textit{semester project}\\
\>Visual Studio 2010, C\#, \textit{optional subject}\\
\>Java for Android, \textit{used for BSc main project}\\
\>Arduino, \textit{used for BSc main project}\\
\>Raspberry Pi system for beer brewing with web interface, \textit{hobby project}\\
\>MS SQL, \textit{created queries for special lookups in DB}\\
{\large\bf Certificates and licences}\\
\hspace*{1.5em}\=\hspace*{10em} \=\hspace*{2em}\=\kill
\>Driving licence\\
{\large\bf Interests}\\
\hspace{1.5em}\=Sailing, the learning process, programming, automation and electronics
%{\large\bf References}\\
%\hspace*{1.5em}\=Geir Mostad, STX Grenland Industri AS, phone no. 915 97 179\\
%\>Gunnar Braata, Elite Foto, phone no. 916 76 415\\
%\>Martin Hopland Bøhn, Former Captain HNoMS Ravn, phone no. 926 91 613
\rfoot{Updated \today}