In a series of four interviews for Editage Insights, Overleaf co-founder Dr. John Hammersley talks with Donald Samulack, President of US operations for Editage, on the topic of collaborative writing and publishing in the context of science and research.
블로그Posts tagged “press”
- Mary Anne · May 20, 2015
An interview series with Overleaf co-founder Dr. John Hammersley - Parts 1 and 2
- John · March 3, 2015
Write your Clinical Briefs in Overleaf: New template for Evolution, Medicine and Public Health (EMPH) from Oxford University Press
- Mary Anne · February 24, 2015
New partnership between Overleaf and The Genetics Society of America (GSA)
Overleaf is delighted to announce a new partnership with The Genetics Society of America (GSA). Through this partnership, authors submitting to GSA’s GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics journals will soon have access to the award winning Overleaf collaborative cloud-based writing and reviewing tool. They will be able to quickly and easily write articles in a customized journal template and collaborate on those articles with colleagues.
- Tim · February 16, 2015
Reproducible and collaborative data science - Overleaf links with Plotly
On 4 September 2018 a new version of Overleaf was launched (Overleaf v2) and a decision was taken to (temporarily) remove the integration of Plotly within Overleaf v2. As part of Overleaf’s development roadmap we will be working toward an improved integration of Plotly which leverages the Plotly API—which was not available when the original Plotly integration work was conducted. Consequently, this blog post is, at present, of historic interest only and describes features/functionality which were available in Overleaf v1 but are not (currently) present in Overleaf v2. If you have any questions or concerns about this do please feel free to contact us.
You can now import your Plotly graphs directly into your Overleaf projects!
- January 26, 2015
Overleaf collaborates with Editage® to offer its authors publication-ready language editing services
London, January 26, 2015 – Editage, a leading provider of editorial and publication support services for the global research community and the flagship brand of Cactus Communications, and Overleaf, a rapidly growing online collaborative writing and publishing platform by WriteLaTeX, have entered into an agreement to allow Overleaf authors to directly transfer manuscripts to Editage for its entire range of language editing services.
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.