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Full steam ahead! Ongoing collaboration between Stanford and Overleaf in 2016

Shelly · May 26, 2016

I am happy to write about our successful ongoing collaboration with Stanford University Libraries!

Earlier this year, in February, I attended Stanford’s Gear Up for research day. It was fun speaking with students, researchers, faculty and staff interested in increasing productivity and quality related to collaborative scientific authoring. The feedback was excellent – students and faculty were genuinely happy that Stanford was providing free Overleaf Pro accounts to all students and faculty. Collaboration is on the rise, and having an innovative collaborative authoring tool received high praise! You can view my lightning talk slides by clicking here.

Overleaf at Stanford University's Gear Up for Research day 

The Overleaf team remains enthusiastic about collaborating with Terman Engineering Library Director, Helen Josephine to support improved scholarly communication and authoring practices, not only at Stanford University, but also at institutions in the US and around the world.

Stanford Overleaf metrics show tremendous growth since the beginning of 2015 when we first began partnering and promoting the platform on campus. Thanks to ongoing training, promotion and collaborative efforts, usage at Stanford continues to grow rapidly.

Stanford Overleaf Metrics

We are moving full steam ahead with collaborative initiatives in 2016! Mary Anne Baynes (CMO for Overleaf) and Helen Josephine successfully co-presented a poster demo session at the STELLA(!) 2016 Unconference at UNC, Chapel Hill on Saturday, May 21st. It was great to have an opportunity to share the successful partnership with other institutions looking for ways to interact with and provide innovative services to their students and faculty. More training and events are in the works and we’ll let everyone know as they develop!

Mary Anne Baynes (Overleaf) and Helen Josephine (Stanford) with their poster at Stella 2016 

Here’s to a great partnership and continued collaboration!


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