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Lucas Correa Lopes
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Logotipo da UnB vetorizado no tikz.

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Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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\begin{tikzpicture}[y=1cm, x=1cm, yscale=\globalscale,xscale=\globalscale, every node/.append style={scale=\globalscale}, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
\path[fill=newblue,even odd rule] (0.0, 0.0) -- (5.8614865625, 0.0) --
(5.8614865625, 2.3445178958).. controls (5.20715875, 2.3448645) and
(4.540329375, 2.4273113125) .. (3.9880725208, 2.6515959583).. controls
(3.5508221042, 2.8291737083) and (2.9326548958, 3.1342885625) ..
(2.5469320833, 3.3810575) -- (1.8939483542, 3.8130823958).. controls
(1.6817789792, 3.9586296875) and (1.4774915417, 4.1177739167) ..
(1.2634568542, 4.2677767917).. controls (1.05102025, 4.4166604792) and
(0.8413935208, 4.5698780417) .. (0.63338075, 4.7229103958).. controls
(0.5291031667, 4.7996263333) and (0.4253838542, 4.8741965) .. (0.3178122083,
4.9501133958).. controls (0.2134129167, 5.0237972083) and (0.1069948542,
5.1124273333) .. (0.0, 5.1762739375) -- cycle;
\path[fill=newblue,even odd rule] (6.19648875, 0.0) -- (12.0577662917, 0.0) --
(12.0577662917, 5.1763109792).. controls (11.9998146042, 5.1416135208) and
(11.9464481458, 5.1008253542) .. (11.8914836042, 5.0597646667) --
(11.4186043958, 4.7186717708).. controls (11.3163455833, 4.6412996667) and
(11.2081892083, 4.5675814583) .. (11.1039962917, 4.4907861458) --
(10.1577245833, 3.8090977708).. controls (9.6771989167, 3.4727091667) and
(9.3416040625, 3.2654054792) .. (8.8073679792, 2.9894582917).. controls
(7.9176297917, 2.5298743958) and (7.2736974583, 2.3450893958) .. (6.19648875,
2.3445178958) -- cycle;
\path[fill=newgreen,even odd rule] (12.0577662917, 6.0288857917) --
(6.1964702292, 6.0288857917) -- (6.1964702292, 2.6802291667).. controls
(6.9182853125, 2.6802291667) and (7.456852625, 2.766996625) .. (8.0621796042,
3.0109292292).. controls (8.30830825, 3.1101109375) and (8.5792389375,
3.246231125) .. (8.8036823333, 3.3649258542).. controls (9.10688425,
3.5252633542) and (9.5469286667, 3.7844994583) .. (9.8227911875, 3.98332325)..
controls (9.9308179167, 4.0611821875) and (10.036603625, 4.1362391875) ..
(10.14603, 4.2128016667).. controls (10.6661585, 4.57673075) and
(11.2082606458, 4.9888431042) .. (11.7322176667, 5.3595164167) --
(12.0577662917, 5.5896218958) -- cycle;
\path[fill=newgreen,even odd rule] (0.0, 5.5895822083).. controls
(0.0919744583, 5.5394807083) and (1.4143963542, 4.5699256667) ..
(1.5915983958, 4.4451137708) -- (2.2288923333, 3.9873052292).. controls
(2.687685125, 3.6601029583) and (3.472926125, 3.2197886667) .. (3.995562875,
3.0108948333).. controls (4.60555975, 2.7670839375) and (5.13508625,
2.6802291667) .. (5.8614733333, 2.6802291667) -- (5.8614733333, 6.0288857917)
-- (0.0, 6.0288857917) -- cycle;