% Aspectratio 16:9 should be used
% The theme is not suited for 4:3 aspectratio
% Metadata of the presentation
\title{UGent beamer theme}
\subtitle{Some optional subtitle}
\subtitle{Powered by \LaTeX}
\date[ISBT 2018]{27th International Symposium of Beamer Themes}
\author[DB]{Dries Benoit --- \texttt{dries.benoit@ugent.be}}
% Load the UGent theme
% Have this if you'd like section slides
% Have this if you'd like the presentation to start
% with a large UGent logo
% I guess you always want a titleframe
% Have this if you'd like a frame containing the
% table of content
% Start of the first section
\section{Fonts and layout}
\frametitle{This is the frame title}
\framesubtitle{With optional frame subtitle}
Regular text in the body of the slide is black and rendered in Helvetica sans-serif.\\[.5cm]
Helvetica has no corresponding math font.
Therefore, equations are typeset in Computer Modern sans-serif and are also displayed in plain black:
F(x|\mu,s) = \int_{-\infty}^x s^{-1}\left(1+e^{-\frac{v-\mu}{s}}\right)^{-2} e^{-\frac{v-\mu}{s}}\;\mathsf{d}v = \frac{1}{1+e^{-\frac{x-\mu}{s}}}
Emphasis can be added by using \textbf{bold} typeface, \textit{italic}, {\color{ugent-alert}colors} or {\color{ugent-alert}\textbf{\textit{any combination}}}.\\
More about colors follows later.
\frametitle{The frame title is rendered in Small Caps}
The official UGent Powerpoint/Keynote templates have all titles in both ALL CAPS, \textbf{bold} and \underline{underline}.\\[.5cm]
In my opinion, this combination is somewhat \underline{\textbf{AGGRESSIVE AND UNPLEASANT TO THE EYE}}.\\[.5cm]
Instead, this theme makes use of \textsc{Small Caps} for all titles and subtitles
\section{Lists and enumeration}
\frametitle{Lists of items}
This is how a list of unnumbered items looks:
\item Item 1
\item Item 2
\item Item 3
Nested lists of items are possible too:
\item Item 1
\item Subitem a
\item Subitem b
\item Item 2
\item Subitem a
\item Subitem b
\frametitle{Lists of items}
This is how a list of numbered items looks:\\[.25cm]
\item Item 1
\item Item 2
\item Item 3
\item Item 4
\item Item 5
\item The offical UGent colors (in RGB) are part of the theme.
\item The primary UGent color is {\color{ugentblue} ugentblue}, and the secondary color is {\color{ugentyellow} ugentyellow}.
\item The faculty specific UGent themes can use the faculty color as secondary color.
\item {\color{ugentblue} \textbf{ugentblue}}
\item {\color{ugentyellow}\textbf{ugentyellow}}
\item {\color{ugent-lw} \textbf{ugent-lw}}
\item {\color{ugent-re} \textbf{ugent-re}}
\item {\color{ugent-we} \textbf{ugent-we}}
\item {\color{ugent-ge} \textbf{ugent-ge}}
\item {\color{ugent-ea} \textbf{ugent-ea}}
\item {\color{ugent-eb} \textbf{ugent-eb}}
\item {\color{ugent-di} \textbf{ugent-di}}
\item {\color{ugent-pp} \textbf{ugent-pp}}
\item {\color{ugent-bw} \textbf{ugent-bw}}
\item {\color{ugent-fw} \textbf{ugent-fw}}
\item {\color{ugent-ps} \textbf{ugent-ps}}
\item Note that every faculty color name refers to the abbreviation of the faculty name.
\frametitle{More about colors}
\item The main colors of the presentation are ugentblue, black and white.
\item The secondary color should only be used exceptionally.
\item The theme defines a special color \texttt{ugent-alert}.
\item This color is \emph{or} {\color{ugentyellow}ugentyellow} \emph{or} the faculty color.
\item The special color \texttt{ugent-alert} equals the faculty color:
\item \textbf{if} the faculty specific template is used
\item \textbf{and if} the option \texttt{usecolors} is set
\item In all other cases \texttt{ugent-alert} is {\color{ugentyellow}ugentyellow}
\frametitle{Example of ugent-alert}
There is no largest prime number.
\item<2-| alert@2> Suppose $p$ were the largest prime number.
\item<3-| alert@3> Let $q$ be the product of the first $p$ numbers.
\item<4-| alert@4> Then $q+1$ is not divisible by any of them.
\item<5-6| alert@5> But $q + 1$ is greater than $1$, thus divisible by some prime number not in the first $p$ numbers.\only<6>\qed
\frametitle{Another example of ugent-alert}
Blocks can be created for definition, proofs, examples, etc.
\begin{block}{Regular block}
This is an important message.
A special kind of block is the \texttt{alertblock}:
This is a very important message.
\section{Frame numbers}
\frametitle{Frame numbers}
\item By default frame numbers are places on every ``regular'' frame.
\item That excludes logoframes, titleframes and sectionframes.
\item The frame number is always followed by the total number of frames.
\item The theme option \texttt{noframenumber} removes frame numbers on all slides.
% End presentation with titleframe