Template OJA
Emmanuel Frion
Last Updated:
4달 전
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for publishing in the Open Journal of Astrophysics

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Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% oja_template.tex
% Unofficial LaTeX template for publishing
% in the Open Journal of Astrophysics
% v1.0 released September 6, 2015 (matches openjournal.cls)
% Author: Emmanuel Frion
% Basic setup
% Available options:
% [twocolumn] - two-column mode
% [onecolumn] - (default) main text in one-column mode
% [apj] - typeset in the style of ApJ.
% [apjl] - (default) typeset in the style of ApJ Letters
% [tighten] - some adjustments to approximate grid typesetting
% [numberedappendix] - number appendix sections as A, B, etc
% [appendixfloats] - use separate numbering for floats within appendix
% [twocolappendix] - make appendix in two-col mode in a two-col paper
% [revtex4] - force using revtex4 (rather than 4-1)
% Remove this package
% In case of issues with doi formatting, uncomment these lines
% \let\olddoi\doi
% \renewcommand{\doi}[1]{\href{https://doi.org/#1}{DOI: \nolinkurl{#1}}}
% Optional useful packages
% Define path to put your plots, figures, etc...
\graphicspath{ {./figs/} }
\title{Your awesome paper}
\author{Author 1\orcidlink{0000-0000-0000-0000}}
\affiliation{Your nice institute / university}
\affiliation{Your second nice institute / university}
\author{Author 2\orcidlink{0000-0000-0000-0000}}
\affiliation{Your nice institute / university}
\affiliation{Your second nice institute / university}
What's your paper about?
% Write your keywords here
{First, second}
The Universe is awesome and deserves to be studied \cite{me}.
\subsection{Subsection (\texorpdfstring{$ H_0 $}{})}
% Write your own, nice-looking table
\begingroup % Optional: affects only this particular table
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{10pt} % Default value: 6pt
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.5} % Default value: 1
\begin{tabular}{ c c }
Parameter & Prior \\
\hline \hline
{\boldmath$\alpha$} & $\left[ 10^{-3}, 10 \right]$ \\
{\boldmath$\beta$} & $\left[ 0, 1 \right]$ \\
\hline \hline
\caption{Parameters used in your paper.}
Refer to your nice table (Table~\ref{table:table}).
\caption{Nice plot. \lipsum[11]}
Refer to your nice figure (Fig.~\ref{fig:fig}).
We find that \lipsum[6]
Acknowledge support (or not).
% You should give the same name for your .bbl as your main .tex
% since it is a requirement for posting on ArXiv.
\section{Appendix 1}