LaTeX can be used to produce a variety of different charts and diagrams, including: flowcharts, gantt charts, pie charts, branching and decision trees, family trees, histograms, bar charts and more. If you're looking for a particular type of chart that isn't featured here, please let us know, or submit your own example to the gallery.

This is a short template on the creation of Venn Diagrams.

With this simple LaTeX template you can quickly create and share your family tree online with friends and relatives. For help with different styles, see this guide to trees in LaTeX on the excellent LaTeX Community forum, and you can find help with using the TikZ package in Part 3 of our free Introduction to LaTeX course.

This popular visualization of the Porter Value Chain is a great example of how LaTeX can be used to produce striking, high quality formatting of simple objects such as tables. Originally posted as this answer on TeX StackExchange, we've pre-loaded the table into Overleaf to let you easily add your own content. Simply click the table to start editing online. Once you're done, you can insert the table into a longer LaTeX document, or download as a PDF for use as a standalone piece. If you're new to LaTeX, checkout the third part of our free online LaTeX course for more hints on creating presentations and drawings in LaTeX.

Este ejemplo muestra el Convertidor ADC (Analógico a Digital) Sigma Delte de Segundo Orden que a diferencia del Convertidor de primer orden, tiene dos etapas integradoras de las señales de diferencia que provienen de los sumadores. En este caso, a la salida del segundo integrador aparece el comparador como convertidor ADC de 1 bit cuya salida alimenta al bloque convertidor DAC (Digital a Analógico) de 1 bit y a la etapa de Filtro Digital o Diezmador. La teoría, en idioma inglés, de este diseño se encuentra en el documento "How delta-sigma ADCs work, Part 1", publicado por la empresa Texas Instruments de Bonnie Baker, disponible en el enlace

The output of this graph is used as Figure 1 of the paper: Wangyan Li, Zidong Wang, Guoliang Wei, Lifeng Ma, Jun Hu, and Derui Ding, “A Survey on Multisensor Fusion and Consensus Filtering for Sensor Networks,” Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, vol. 2015, Article ID 683701, 12 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/683701. It's based on Relevant link:

A Gantt chart template with already set up progress tracking and automatic calculation.

A student seating chart can be used by a teacher when indicating where students should sit in the classroom. This template has 5 suggestions: "classical", "distributed", 'lab", "U-shape" and "square". The examples show 14 students, but rows can be added manually.

An example using the pstool package to get \psfrag commands working with .eps images in pdflatex.

This template is used to create standalone, publication-quality figures for multiple sequence alignments using the texshade package.
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