Royal Society of Chemistry communication template
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This is the LaTeX COMMUNICATION template for RSC journals.
Copyright The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019.
This is the LaTeX COMMUNICATION template for RSC journals.
Copyright The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019.
%This is the LaTeX COMMUNICATION template for RSC journals
%Copyright The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016
\usepackage[left=1.5cm, right=1.5cm, top=1.785cm, bottom=2.0cm]{geometry}
\renewcommand{\refname}{Notes and references}
%%%Please don't disable any packages in the preamble, as this may cause the template to display incorrectly.%%%
\usepackage{epstopdf}%This line makes .eps figures into .pdf - please comment out if not required.
%%%%%%%%% Preamble of the bibliography, can be commented or deleted
\def\bibpreamble{For the reference section, the style file \texttt{rsc.bst} can be used to generate the correct reference style.\footnote[4]{Footnotes should appear here. These might include comments relevant to but not central to the matter under discussion, limited experimental and spectral data, and crystallographic data.}
\item{Citations should appear here in the format A. Name, B. Name and C. Name, \emph{Journal Title}, 2000, \textbf{35}, 3523;}
\item{A. Name, B. Name and C. Name, \emph{Journal Title, 2000}, \textbf{35}, 3523.}
... \\\\
We encourage the citation of primary research over review articles, where appropriate, in order to give credit to those who first reported a finding. \href{}{Find out more about our commitments to the principles of San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).}}
%%%PAGE SETUP - Please do not change any commands within this section%%%
\color{cream}\hrule width 3.5in height 0.4pt \color{black} \vspace*{5pt}}
\setstretch{1.125} %In particular, please do not alter this line.
\fancyfoot[RO]{\footnotesize{\sffamily{1--\pageref{LastPage} ~\textbar \hspace{2pt}\thepage}}}
\fancyfoot[LE]{\footnotesize{\sffamily{\thepage~\textbar\hspace{3.45cm} 1--\pageref{LastPage}}}}
%%%FIGURE SETUP - please do not change any commands within this section%%%
\noindent{\color{cream}\rule[-\figrulesep]{\columnwidth}{1.5pt}} }
\noindent{\color{cream}\rule[\figrulesep]{\columnwidth}{1.5pt}} }
\noindent{\color{cream}\rule[-\figrulesep]{\textwidth}{1.5pt}} }
\begin{tabular}{m{4.5cm} p{13.5cm} }
\includegraphics{head_foot/DOI} & \noindent\LARGE{\textbf{This is the title$^\dag$}} \\%Article title goes here instead of the text "This is the title"
& \vspace{0.3cm} \\
& \noindent\large{Full Name,$^{\ast}$\textit{$^{a}$} Full Name,\textit{$^{b\ddag}$} and Full Name\textit{$^{a}$}} \\%Author names go here instead of "Full name", etc.
\includegraphics{head_foot/dates} & \\
\end{@twocolumnfalse} \vspace{0.6cm}
%%%FONT SETUP - please do not change any commands within this section
\footnotetext{\textit{$^{a}$~Address, Address, Town, Country. Fax: XX XXXX XXXX; Tel: XX XXXX XXXX; E-mail: xxxx@aaa.bbb.ccc}}
\footnotetext{\textit{$^{b}$~Address, Address, Town, Country. }}
%Please use \dag to cite the ESI in the main text of the article.
%If you article does not have ESI please remove the the \dag symbol from the title and the footnotetext below.
\footnotetext{\dag~Supplementary Information available: [details of any supplementary information available should be included here]. See DOI: 00.0000/00000000.}
%additional addresses can be cited as above using the lower-case letters, c, d, e... If all authors are from the same address, no letter is required
\footnotetext{\ddag~Additional footnotes to the title and authors can be included \textit{e.g.}\ `Present address:' or `These authors contributed equally to this work' as above using the symbols: \ddag, \textsection, and \P. Please place the appropriate symbol next to the author's name and include a \texttt{\textbackslash footnotetext} entry in the the correct place in the list.}
\sffamily{\textbf{The abstract should be a single paragraph which summarises the content of the article. Any references in the abstract should be written out in full \textit{e.g.} [Surname \textit{et al., Journal Title}, 2000, \textbf{35}, 3523].}}\\%The abstrast goes here instead of the text "The abstract should be..."
\rmfamily %Please do not remove this line.
%%%MAIN TEXT%%%%
The main text of the article\cite{Mena2000} should appear here. Headings and subheadings are not permitted in articles submitted to \emph{Chemical Communications}, with the exception of “\textbf{Conflicts of interest}”, “\textbf{Data availability}” and “\textbf{Notes and references}”. \\\\
\textbf{Chemical Communications has a four page limit}, therefore following editing and production, your article may require shortening. To assist with this please do not alter font sizes or styles as this may delay publication of your article. \\
Equations can be typeset inline \textit{e.g.} $ y = mx + c$ or displayed with and without numbers:
\[ A = \pi r^2 \]
\frac{\gamma}{\epsilon x} r^2 = 2r
Graphics should be inserted on the page where they are first mentioned (unless they are equations, which appear in the flow of the text).\cite{Cotton1999}
\caption{An example figure.}
% \centering
% \includegraphics[height=3cm]{example2}
% \caption{An image from the \textit{Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics} cover gallery, set as a double-column figure.}
% \label{fgr:example2col}
Tables typeset in RSC house style do not include vertical lines. Table footnote symbols are lower-case italic letters and are typeset at the bottom of the table. Table captions do not end in a full point.\cite{Arduengo1992,Eisenstein2005}
\caption{\ An example of a caption to accompany a table}
Header one/units & Header two & Header three \\
1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 5 & 6 \\
7 & 8 & 9 \\
10 & 11 & 12 \\
Adding notes to tables can be complicated. Perhaps the easiest method is to generate these manually.
% \caption{\ An example of a caption to accompany a table \textendash\ table captions do not end in a full point}
% \label{tbl:example}
% \begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}lllllll}
% \hline
% Header one & Header two & Header three & Header four & Header five & Header six & Header seven\\
% \hline
% 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7\\
% 8 & 9 & 10 & 11 & 12 & 13 & 14 \\
% 15 & 16 & 17 & 18 & 19 & 20 & 21\\
% \hline
% \end{tabular*}
You can also put lists into the text. You can have bulleted or numbered lists of almost any kind.
The \texttt{mhchem} package can also be used so that formulae are easy to input: \texttt{\textbackslash ce\{H2SO4\}} gives \ce{H2SO4}.
The conclusions section should come at the end of article.
\section*{Author Contributions}
We strongly encourage authors to include author contributions and recommend using \href{}{CRediT} for standardised contribution descriptions. Please refer to our general \href{}{author guidelines} for more information about authorship.
\section*{Conflicts of interest}
In accordance with our policy on \href{}{Conflicts of interest} please ensure that a conflicts of interest statement is included in your manuscript here. Please note that this statement is required for all submitted manuscripts. If no conflicts exist, please state that ``There are no conflicts to declare''.
\section*{Data availability}
A data availability statement (DAS) is required to be submitted alongside all articles. Please read our \href{}{full guidance on data availability statements} for more details and examples of suitable statements you can use.
% For footnotes in the main text of the article please number the footnotes to avoid duplicate symbols. e.g. \footnote[num]{your text} the corresponding author \ast counts as footnote 1, ESI as footnote 2, e.g. if there is no ESI, please start at [num]=[2], if ESI is cited in the title please start at [num]=[3] etc. Please also cite the ESI within the main body of the text using \dag.
% The \balance command can be used to balance the columns on the final page if desired. It should be placed anywhere within the first column of the last page.
% \balance
% If notes are included in your references you can change the title from 'References' to 'Notes and references' using the following command:
% \renewcommand\refname{Notes and references}
\bibliography{rsc} %You need to replace "rsc" on this line with the name of your .bib file
\bibliographystyle{rsc} %the RSC's .bst file