resumecls example
Xuan Hu
Last Updated
4년 전
LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c
Example for resumecls.
% !Mode:: "TeX:UTF-8"
% +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% | File: resume-en
% | Author: huxuan
% | E-mail: i(at)
% | Created: 2012-12-18
% | Last modified: 2020-04-16
% | Description:
% | A English Resume Example in LaTeX based on resumecls
% |
% | Copyright (c) 2012-2020 by huxuan. All rights reserved.
% +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
\organization{School or Organization}
\address{Address, Zip Code}
\leftfooter{Last Modified: \today}
\heading{Experience (Compact Version)}
\entry{0em}{Xlr}{{\bfseries Organization} \quad Department & Position & Time Period}
Description1 \\
Description2 \\
\entry{0em}{Xrr}{{\bfseries School} & City & Time Period}
Degree1 & College1 & Major1 \\
Degree2 & College2 & Major2 \\
\heading{Research Experience}
\entry{0em}{Xr}{{\bfseries Insitute} & Time Period}
\entry{2em}{X}{Lab \quad Position}
Description \\
bibtex can be used here, like \cite{label} \\
\heading{Working Experience}
\entry{0em}{Xr}{{\bfseries Organization} & Time Period}
\entry{2em}{X}{Department \quad Position}
Description \\
\heading{School Experience}
Experience1 & Time Period \\
Experience2 & Time Period \\
Award1 & Time \\
Award2 & Time \\
\heading{Professional Skill}
Proficient in & XXX \\
Experienced in & XXX \\
Familiar with & XXX \\
Use & XXX \\
\heading{Other listings, such as hobby, network profile and so on}
Label1 & Content1 \\
Label2 & Content2 \\
% If there is no publications, just comment this part.
% Sample for two or more pages.
\heading{Heading for Page 2}
Each page is enclosed inside a table environment. \\
\verb|\clearpage| between the tables will lead to a new page. \\