%% This template has been created from a previous Overleaf template
%% Author F. Brivio
%% This is a (brief) model paper using the achemso class
%% The document class accepts keyval options, which should include
%% the target journal and optionally the manuscript type.
% Language setting
% Replace `english' with e.g. `spanish' to change the document language
% Set page size and margins
% Replace `letterpaper' with `a4paper' for UK/EU standard size
% Useful packages
\usepackage[colorlinks=true, allcolors=blue]{hyperref}
\title{Research Plan}
\author{Federico Brivio}
%% Place any additional packages needed here. Only include packages
%% which are essential, to avoid problems later. Do NOT use any
%% packages which require e-TeX (for example etoolbox): the e-TeX
%% extensions are not currently available on the ACS conversion
%% servers.
\usepackage[version=3]{mhchem} % Formula subscripts using \ce{}
%\setkeys{acs}{maxauthors=0} % will list all authors
% Different bib files to be included
% Add a specific keyword to everything coming from a given .bib file
% In this example we used the keyword pre for the preprint.bif and thesis for thesis.bib
\step[fieldset=keywords, fieldvalue={,pre}, append]
\step[fieldset=keywords, fieldvalue={,thesis}, append]
\section{Intruction - TO BE DELETED}
This document creates a list of all your publications divided per type and it is based on this page:
\href{https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/358963/one-bibliography-section-per-bib-file-biblatex}{https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/358963/one-bibliography-section-per-bib-file-biblatex} .
The publication are grouped by type in different files. In this case we distinguish between regular papers (list.bib), preprints ( preprint.bib) and the thesis (thesis.bib).
To list each type of publication independently, each file is marked with a specific tag.
This tag is \texttt{fieldvalue} and it is included in this code in the preamble:
\step[fieldset=keywords, fieldvalue={,thesis}, append]
For each bib file it is possible to add a fieldvalue \texttt{fieldvalue={,thesis}} that allows to select which bib file is printed in a list and which is not.
To print a section that contains only the publications of a file with a specific tag the code is the following:
\printbibliography[keyword={thesis},title=PhD Thesis]
To print the papers not listed in a file with a specific tag:
\printbibliography[notkeyword={pre},notkeyword={thesis},title=YOURNAME Publication list]
Other divisions are of course possible. E.g. \textit{Publications as leading author}, \textit{Publications as last Author}, etc. .
A different method is available here: \href{https://bastian.rieck.me/blog/posts/2021/publication_lists/}{https://bastian.rieck.me/blog/posts/2021/publication\_lists}
\section{ACTUAL LISTS}
% For the final document cancell ALL from /begin{document) exclued to this line %%%%
%% The "tocentry" environment can be used to create an entry for the
%% graphical table of contents. It is given here as some journals
%% require that it is printed as part of the abstract page. It will
%% be automatically moved as appropriate.
\nocite{*} % Since this is not a text document, we need to cite ALL the paper in the .bib file
\printbibliography[notkeyword={pre},notkeyword={thesis},title=YOURNAME Publication list] % This will list all the publications execpt the ones contained in bib files tagged with the keywords pre and thesis
\printbibliography[keyword={pre},title=Preprint] % This list only the publications contained in files tagged with the jeyword pre
\printbibliography[keyword={thesis},title=PhD Thesis]