PhD application CV Template
Mohammad Amir Lotfi
Last Updated
10달 전
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
I hope it helps everyone who wants to apply for PhD programs
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\usepackage{hyperref} % For hyperlinks
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% Begin document
% Disable page numbers
\fancyhead[L]{\textit{John Doe}}
\fancyhead[R]{\textit{\# month \#year}}
\thispagestyle{empty} % Remove header from the first page
% Header
\textbf{\LARGE \# First name Last name}\\[2pt] % Name
\#Current job position, Organization, \#City, \#Country
\\ \href{}{} | \href{tel:00XXXXXXXXX}{+XX (XXX) XXX-XXX} | \href{}{} | \href{https://JohnDoe/en/staff/single/59}{Organization page} % Contact info
% Education Section
\#Research interest 1, \#Research interest 2, \#Research interest 3, \#Research interest 4, \#Research interest 5, ......
% Education Section
\textbf{\#University Name}, \#City, \#Country \hfill \#Month \#Year | \#Month \#Year\\ % University name and location
Master of Science in XXXXXX \hfill Cumulative GPA: X.XX/4.00 \\ % Degree and GPA
\textbf{\#University Name}, \#City, \#Country \hfill \#Month \#Year | \#Month \#Year\\ % University name and location
Bachelor of Science: \#Major field % Degree and GPA
% Additional info
% Experience Section
\textbf{\# Name of Employer Company} \hfill \#City, \#Country\\ % Company name and location
\textit{\# Your Position} \hfill \#Month \#Year | Present % Position and duration
\item \# Description of your job duty and responsibilities.
\item \# Description of your job duty and responsibilities.
\item \# Description of your job duty and responsibilities.
\item \# Description of your job duty and responsibilities.
\item \# Description of your job duty and responsibilities.
% Job responsibilities and achievements
\textbf{\# Name of Employer Company} \hfill \#City, \#Country\\ % Company name and location
\textit{\# Your Position} \hfill \#Month \#Year | Present % Position and duration
\item \# Description of your job duty and responsibilities.
\item \# Description of your job duty and responsibilities.
\item \# Description of your job duty and responsibilities.
\item \# Description of your job duty and responsibilities.
\item \# Description of your job duty and responsibilities.
% Job responsibilities and achievements
% Projects Section
\textbf{\# Project Name} \hfill \#City, \#Country\\ % Project name and location
\textit{\# Your Position}
\hfill \#Month \#Year | \#Month \#Year % Project link and duration
\item \# Description of your job duty and responsibilities.
\item \# Description of your job duty and responsibilities.
\item \# Description of your job duty and responsibilities.
\textbf{Journal paper}\\
\textup{\# You can use some options here such as: In-Progress, Submitted, reviewed, Published}% Project name and location
\item \# write your publication based on common form of referencing in your field of study. For example if you study psychology APA is one of common formats. In following I brought one example
\item Kahnemann, D., \& Tversky, A. (1979). Prospect theory: A decision making under risk. Econometrica, 47(2), 263-291.
\textbf{\# Here you can also add your other publication such as: Translation, book and so on ...}
\item O'Connor, J., Lages, A. (2019). Coaching the brain: Practical applications of neuroscience to coaching. Routledge.
>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X }
\textbf{Master's Courses}& \textbf{Bachelor's Courses}\\
\item \# Course that worth mentioning for committee
\item \# Course that worth mentioning for committee
\item \# Course that worth mentioning for committee
\item \# Course that worth mentioning for committee
\item \# Course that worth mentioning for committee
\item \# Course that worth mentioning for committee
\item \# Course that worth mentioning for committee
\item \# Course that worth mentioning for committee
& \begin{itemize}
\item \# Course that worth mentioning for committee
\item \# Course that worth mentioning for committee
\item \# Course that worth mentioning for committee
\item \# Course that worth mentioning for committee
\item \# Course that worth mentioning for committee
\item \# Course that worth mentioning for committee
\item \# Course that worth mentioning for committee
\textbf{Additional Courses}
\item \# Course that worth mentioning for committee
\item \# Course that worth mentioning for committee
\textbf{\# Title} \hfill \#City, \#Country\\
\# Description \hfill \#Month \#Year\\ \\
\textbf{\# Title} \hfill \#City, \#Country\\
\# Description \hfill \#Month \#Year\\ \\
\textbf{\# Title} \hfill \#City, \#Country\\
\# Description \hfill \#Month \#Year\\ \\
\textbf{\# Title} \hfill \#City, \#Country\\
\# Description \hfill \#Month \#Year\\ \\
\textbf{\# you can here experiences those are less related to you applying position} \hfill \#City, \#Country\\ % Company name and location
\textit{\# Your Position} \hfill \#Month \#Year | \#Month \#Year % Position and duration
\item \# Description of your job duty and responsibilities.
\item \# Description of your job duty and responsibilities.
\item \# Description of your job duty and responsibilities.
\item \# Description of your job duty and responsibilities.
\section*{ENGLISH \& GRE TESTS}
>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X }
\textbf{IELTS (Academic): 7.5} (overall score)& \textbf{GRE General Test:}\\ \\
Listening: XX | Reading: XX & Quant: XXX | Verbal: XXX\\
Speaking: XX | Writing: XX& Analytical writing: X\\
Test date: \#Month \#Year &Test date: \#Month \#Year
% Skills Section
\item \textbf{Programming:} \# Related Programming languages those can be helpful; comma separated
\item \textbf{Software:} \# Related software those can be helpful; comma separated
\item \textbf{Soft Skills:} \# Related soft skills those can be helpful; comma separated
\textbf{Prof. John Doe}\\
\textit{\#Position, \# Department, \# Organization name or University name, \# City, \# Country}\\
E-mail: \href{mailto:johndoe@XXX.XX}{johndoe@XXX.XX}\\
Scholar Profiles: \href{related link}{University of XXX - Personal Page} | \href{related link}{Google Scholar} | \href{}{LinkedIn}\\ \\
\textbf{Prof. John Doe}\\
\textit{\#Position, \# Department, \# Organization name or University name, \# City, \# Country}\\
E-mail: \href{mailto:johndoe@XXX.XX}{johndoe@XXX.XX}\\
Scholar Profiles: \href{related link}{University of XXX - Personal Page} | \href{related link}{Google Scholar} | \href{}{LinkedIn}\\ \\
\textbf{Prof. John Doe}\\
\textit{\#Position, \# Department, \# Organization name or University name, \# City, \# Country}\\
E-mail: \href{mailto:johndoe@XXX.XX}{johndoe@XXX.XX}\\
Scholar Profiles: \href{related link}{University of XXX - Personal Page} | \href{related link}{Google Scholar} | \href{}{LinkedIn}\\ \\
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