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%this will be based on the amsart class, which probably causes more pain than necessary
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%look for !!!EDIT comments
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\lhead{\small \sc Program} %!!!EDIT
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\addbibresource{Main.bib, local.bib} %!!!EDIT
% private defs
\newcommand{\refeq}[1]{Equation (\ref{#1})}
\newcommand{\reftable}[1]{Table \ref{#1}}
\newcommand{\refch}[1]{Chapter \ref{#1}}
\newcommand{\reffig}[1]{Figure \ref{#1}}
\newcommand{\refcode}[1]{Listing \ref{#1}}
\textsc{\textbf{Title}\\ %!!!EDIT
PI: \\
PI Institution
\section{Table of Contents}
\subsection{Objectives and Expected Significance}\label{sec:objectives}
\subsection{Perceived Impact}\label{sec:impact}
\subsection{Relevance of Proposed Work}\label{sec:relevance}
\subsection{Technical Approach and Methodology}\label{sec:tech}
\subsection{Potential Risks and Mitigation Strategies}\label{sec:risks}
\subsection{Proposal Team Roles, Capabilities and Available Facilities}\label{sec:capab}
\subsection{Plan of Work and Management Structure}\label{sec:work}
%NB: some ROSES elements want this here, some want a separate DMP
\subsection{Data Sharing Plan}\label{sec:data}
%\subsection{Student Participation}\label{sec:student}
%NB: this is not required for some ROSES elements
\section{Data Management Plan}\label{sec:dmp}
%backmatter starts here
\invisiblesection{Biographical Sketches}
\section{Personnel and Work Effort Table}
\noindent\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{| L{0.33\textwidth} | L{0.2\textwidth} | L{0.175\textwidth} | X |}
\textbf{Person/Role} & \textbf{Time charged to this proposal} &\textbf{Time not charged to this proposal}& \textbf{Total Time per person/year} \\
PI &
1 months academic \\
1 months summer\\
N/A &
2 months/year\\
co-I &
0.1 FTE&
N/A &
0.1 FTE/year\\
Graduate Student &
9 months academic \\
3 months summer\\
12 months/year
Graduate Student 2 (TBD) &
9 months academic \\
3 months summer\\
12 months/year
Collaborator & N/A & \emph{de minimis} & \emph{de minimis}\\
\invisiblesection{Current and Pending Support}
\section{Statements of Commitment and Letters of Support}
Statements of commitment are acknowledged electronically through NSPIRES.
\invisiblesection{Budget Justification}
\section{Facilities and Equipment}
\invisiblesection{Detailed Budget}
}{}%closes iftoggle on backmatter