\documentclass[phd, titlesmallcaps, examinerscopy, copyrightpage, foronline]{mqthesis}
% Options you can use in the documentclass above:
% phd/mres/hons = set the degree text [default=phd]
% copyrightpage = print a copyright page on the back
% of the title page [default=false].
% NOTE: if true, you will have to manually change the name
% and date in the mqthesis.cls file.
% examinerscopy = print "Examiner's Copy" of title page and
% change linespacing to 1.5 [default=false]
% draft = draft mode where figures are replaced with placeholder % boxes to reduce file size [default=false]
% Some typical packages you might use
\usepackage{rotating} %used to rotate things like pictures or things you \put down
\usepackage{theorem} %for mathematical theorems and lemmas
\usepackage{bm} %bold fond inside equations, eg. $\bm{\alpha}$
\usepackage{booktabs} %Makes nice tables in books (sorta like RevTeX can)
\usepackage{pdfsync} %used to sync pdf output inorder to flip from tex file to pdf and back
%graphicx is already included in the class file
% add more required packages here
\pdfinfo { /Title (Title of Thesis)
/Creator (pdflatex) % probably this
/Producer (LaTeX with hyperref) % something like this
/Author (Insert author name here)
%/CreationDate (D:20100204000000) %format D:YYYYMMDDhhmmss
% if /CreationDate is left out it will default to the file creation date
/Keywords (Obscure; Fields; Science; White Russians)}
\pdfcatalog { /PageMode (/UseOutlines) /OpenAction (fitbh) }
%%%%% Acknowledgements, titlepage, abstract, list of publications
\title{Insert title here} % put your title here
\author{\href{mailto:your email here}{Your name}} % put your name and email here
\faculty{Your faculty here} %put your faculty here
\department{Your department here} % put your department here
\author{Your name} % put your name here
\faculty{Your faculty here} %put your faculty here
\department{Your department here} % put your department here
%%%%% Submition date if different from creation date
% \submitdate{March 2010}
% honours students will want to use the keyword honours instead of phd :)
% or override the \degreetext variable with
% something appropriate like:
% \renewcommand{\degreetext}%
% {in partial fulfilment of the Degree of Bachelor of Science with Honours}
% also easy to changes this to be for Masters degrees.
%%%%% Introduction
%%%%% Other chapters in here
%%%%% discussion
%%%%% Appendix
%%%%% List of symbols
% your thesis may not need this, so comment out or delete the following line
%%%%% Bibliography, in BibTeX format (the references.bib file)