KU Leuven Bioinformatics Thesis Template
James O'Reilly
Last Updated
3년 전
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A template for the bioinformatics masters thesis at KU Leuven.
\documentclass[ % the name of the author
author={Author Name},
% the name of the promotor
promotor={Promotor name and title},
% the name of the co-promotor (comment line below if you have no co-promotor)
co-promotor={Copromotor name and title},
% the dissertation title (which cannot be blank)
title={This is my Thesis Title},
% the dissertation subtitle (which can be blank "subtitle={}")
subtitle={An Example Thesis Subtitle},
% the department
department={Department of Your Department},
% the division
division={Lab for Labby McLabson},
% the year of submission
% Essential Packages
% tikz setup
% Caption setup
\captionsetup[figure]{font=scriptsize, labelfont=scriptsize}
% paragraph indentation and spacing
% Page style and headers
% title page and frontmatter
% declaration, acknowledgement, and abstract
% section title spacing
% table of contents
% glossary and mainmatter
% insert paper
% bibliography
% include citations for papers in bibliography which are not cited in the text