% This must be in the first 5 lines to tell arXiv to use pdfLaTeX, which is strongly recommended.
% In particular, the hyperref package requires pdfLaTeX in order to break URLs across lines.
% Change "review" to "final" to generate the final (sometimes called camera-ready) version.
% Change to "preprint" to generate a non-anonymous version with page numbers.
% Standard package includes
% For proper rendering and hyphenation of words containing Latin characters (including in bib files)
% For Vietnamese characters
% \usepackage[T5]{fontenc}
% See https://www.latex-project.org/help/documentation/encguide.pdf for other character sets
% This assumes your files are encoded as UTF8
% This is not strictly necessary, and may be commented out,
% but it will improve the layout of the manuscript,
% and will typically save some space.
% This is also not strictly necessary, and may be commented out.
% However, it will improve the aesthetics of text in
% the typewriter font.
%Including images in your LaTeX document requires adding
%additional package(s)
% If the title and author information does not fit in the area allocated, uncomment the following
% and set <dim> to something 5cm or larger.
\title{Instructions for ISCA / ITG Workshop Proceedings}
% Author information can be set in various styles:
% For several authors from the same institution:
% \author{Author 1 \and ... \and Author n \\
% Address line \\ ... \\ Address line}
% if the names do not fit well on one line use
% Author 1 \\ {\bf Author 2} \\ ... \\ {\bf Author n} \\
% For authors from different institutions:
% \author{Author 1 \\ Address line \\ ... \\ Address line
% \And ... \And
% Author n \\ Address line \\ ... \\ Address line}
% To start a separate ``row'' of authors use \AND, as in
% \author{Author 1 \\ Address line \\ ... \\ Address line
% \AND
% Author 2 \\ Address line \\ ... \\ Address line \And
% Author 3 \\ Address line \\ ... \\ Address line}
\author{First Author \\
Affiliation / Address line 1 \\
Affiliation / Address line 2 \\
Affiliation / Address line 3 \\
\texttt{email@domain} \\\And
Second Author \\
Affiliation / Address line 1 \\
Affiliation / Address line 2 \\
Affiliation / Address line 3 \\
\texttt{email@domain} \\}
% \textbf{First Author\textsuperscript{1}},
% \textbf{Second Author\textsuperscript{1,2}},
% \textbf{Third T. Author\textsuperscript{1}},
% \textbf{Fourth Author\textsuperscript{1}},
% \textbf{Fifth Author\textsuperscript{1,2}},
% \textbf{Sixth Author\textsuperscript{1}},
% \textbf{Seventh Author\textsuperscript{1}},
% \textbf{Eighth Author \textsuperscript{1,2,3,4}},
% \textbf{Ninth Author\textsuperscript{1}},
% \textbf{Tenth Author\textsuperscript{1}},
% \textbf{Eleventh E. Author\textsuperscript{1,2,3,4,5}},
% \textbf{Twelfth Author\textsuperscript{1}},
% \textbf{Thirteenth Author\textsuperscript{3}},
% \textbf{Fourteenth F. Author\textsuperscript{2,4}},
% \textbf{Fifteenth Author\textsuperscript{1}},
% \textbf{Sixteenth Author\textsuperscript{1}},
% \textbf{Seventeenth S. Author\textsuperscript{4,5}},
% \textbf{Eighteenth Author\textsuperscript{3,4}},
% \textbf{Nineteenth N. Author\textsuperscript{2,5}},
% \textbf{Twentieth Author\textsuperscript{1}}
% \textsuperscript{1}Affiliation 1,
% \textsuperscript{2}Affiliation 2,
% \textsuperscript{3}Affiliation 3,
% \textsuperscript{4}Affiliation 4,
% \textsuperscript{5}Affiliation 5
% \small{
% \textbf{Correspondence:} \href{mailto:email@domain}{email@domain}
% }
This document is a supplement to the general instructions for authors with papers accepted to the \href{https://www.tu.berlin/en/qu/about-us/news/isca-itg-workshop}{ISCA / ITG Workshop on Diversity in Large Speech and Language Models}. It contains instructions for using the \LaTeX{} style files following the template used in *ACL conferences.
The document itself conforms to its own specifications, and is therefore an example of what your manuscript should look like.
These instructions are for authors submitting papers to the ISCA / ITG Workshop on Diversity in Large Speech and Language Models using \LaTeX. They are not self-contained. All authors must follow the general instructions for *ACL proceedings,\footnote{\url{http://acl-org.github.io/ACLPUB/formatting.html}} and this document contains additional instructions for the \LaTeX{} style files.
The workshop uses a modified version of the *ACL conference template (see "Formatting Instructions" below). Despite that, the proceedings do not belong to the Association for Computational Linguistics and will not appear in the ACL Anthology.
The templates include the \LaTeX{} source of this document (\texttt{main.tex}),
the \LaTeX{} style file used to format it (\texttt{acl.sty}),
an ACL bibliography style (\texttt{acl\_natbib.bst}),
an example bibliography (\texttt{custom.bib}).
\section{Paper Length}
The workshop papers may have up to six (6) pages of content plus unlimited pages for references, acknowledgements and references.
All figures and tables that are part of the main text must fit within these page limits.
The workshop allows the submission of appendices and supplementary material, which are not required to fit within these page limits.
To produce a PDF file, pdf\LaTeX{} is strongly recommended (over original \LaTeX{} plus dvips+ps2pdf or dvipdf). Xe\LaTeX{} also produces PDF files, and is especially suitable for text in non-Latin scripts.
The first line of the file must be
To use Times Roman, put the following in the preamble:
(Alternatives like txfonts or newtx are also acceptable.)
Please see the \LaTeX{} source of this document for comments on other packages that may be useful.
Set the title and author using \verb|\title| and \verb|\author|. Within the author list, format multiple authors using \verb|\and| and \verb|\And| and \verb|\AND|; please see the \LaTeX{} source for examples.
By default, the box containing the title and author names is set to the minimum of 5 cm. If you need more space, include the following in the preamble:
where \verb|<dim>| is replaced with a length. Do not set this length smaller than 5 cm.
\section{Document Body}
Footnotes are inserted with the \verb|\footnote| command.\footnote{This is a footnote.}
\subsection{Tables and figures}
See Table~\ref{tab:accents} for an example of a table and its caption.
\textbf{Do not override the default caption sizes.}
\textbf{Command} & \textbf{Output} \\
\verb|{\"a}| & {\"a} \\
\verb|{\^e}| & {\^e} \\
\verb|{\`i}| & {\`i} \\
\verb|{\.I}| & {\.I} \\
\verb|{\o}| & {\o} \\
\verb|{\'u}| & {\'u} \\
\verb|{\aa}| & {\aa} \\\hline
\textbf{Command} & \textbf{Output} \\
\verb|{\c c}| & {\c c} \\
\verb|{\u g}| & {\u g} \\
\verb|{\l}| & {\l} \\
\verb|{\~n}| & {\~n} \\
\verb|{\H o}| & {\H o} \\
\verb|{\v r}| & {\v r} \\
\verb|{\ss}| & {\ss} \\
\caption{Example commands for accented characters, to be used in, \emph{e.g.}, Bib\TeX{} entries.}
As much as possible, fonts in figures should conform
to the document fonts. See Figure~\ref{fig:experiments} for an example of a figure and its caption.
Using the \verb|graphicx| package graphics files can be included within figure
environment at an appropriate point within the text.
The \verb|graphicx| package supports various optional arguments to control the
appearance of the figure.
You must include it explicitly in the \LaTeX{} preamble (after the
\verb|\documentclass| declaration and before \verb|\begin{document}|) using
\caption{A figure with a caption that runs for more than one line.
Example image is usually available through the \texttt{mwe} package
without even mentioning it in the preamble.}
\includegraphics[width=0.48\linewidth]{example-image-a} \hfill
\caption {A minimal working example to demonstrate how to place
two images side-by-side.}
Users of older versions of \LaTeX{} may encounter the following error during compilation:
\verb|\pdfendlink| ended up in different nesting level than \verb|\pdfstartlink|.
This happens when pdf\LaTeX{} is used and a citation splits across a page boundary. The best way to fix this is to upgrade \LaTeX{} to 2018-12-01 or later.
\textbf{Output} & \textbf{natbib command} & \textbf{ACL only command} \\
\citep{Gusfield:97} & \verb|\citep| & \\
\citealp{Gusfield:97} & \verb|\citealp| & \\
\citet{Gusfield:97} & \verb|\citet| & \\
\citeyearpar{Gusfield:97} & \verb|\citeyearpar| & \\
\citeposs{Gusfield:97} & & \verb|\citeposs| \\
Citation commands supported by the style file.
The style is based on the natbib package and supports all natbib citation commands.
It also supports commands defined in previous ACL style files for compatibility.
Table~\ref{citation-guide} shows the syntax supported by the style files.
We encourage you to use the natbib styles.
You can use the command \verb|\citet| (cite in text) to get ``author (year)'' citations, like this citation to a paper by \citet{Gusfield:97}.
You can use the command \verb|\citep| (cite in parentheses) to get ``(author, year)'' citations \citep{Gusfield:97}.
You can use the command \verb|\citealp| (alternative cite without parentheses) to get ``author, year'' citations, which is useful for using citations within parentheses (e.g. \citealp{Gusfield:97}).
A possessive citation can be made with the command \verb|\citeposs|.
This is not a standard natbib command, so it is generally not compatible
with other style files.
The \LaTeX{} and Bib\TeX{} style files provided roughly follow the American Psychological Association format.
If your own bib file is named \texttt{custom.bib}, then placing the following before any appendices in your \LaTeX{} file will generate the references section for you:
Please see Section~\ref{sec:bibtex} for information on preparing Bib\TeX{} files.
An example equation is shown below:
A = \pi r^2
Labels for equation numbers, sections, subsections, figures and tables
are all defined with the \verb|\label{label}| command and cross references
to them are made with the \verb|\ref{label}| command.
This an example cross-reference to Equation~\ref{eq:example}.
Use \verb|\appendix| before any appendix section to switch the section numbering over to letters. See Appendix~\ref{sec:appendix} for an example.
\section{Bib\TeX{} Files}
Unicode cannot be used in Bib\TeX{} entries, and some ways of typing special characters can disrupt Bib\TeX's alphabetization. The recommended way of typing special characters is shown in Table~\ref{tab:accents}.
Please ensure that Bib\TeX{} records contain DOIs or URLs when possible, and for all the ACL materials that you reference.
Use the \verb|doi| field for DOIs and the \verb|url| field for URLs.
If a Bib\TeX{} entry has a URL or DOI field, the paper title in the references section will appear as a hyperlink to the paper, using the hyperref \LaTeX{} package.
\section{Example Appendix}
This is an appendix.